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Multicolored Rainbow Toad, “Missing” since 1924, is Found in Borneo

Atelopus certusThe Borneo Rainbow or Sambas Stream Toad, Ansonia latidisca, is known only from drawings made by its discoverer, and has not been seen in 87 years.  Extensive development of its only known habitat has long raised fears of its extinction.  This month (July, 2011), however, it became the second of the world’s “Ten Most Wanted” amphibians to be rediscovered.

“Ten Most Wanted”

In 2010, Conservation International launched the Global Search for Lost Amphibians (please see article below).  Since then, several very rare frogs and salamanders have been found, but the tiny Borneo Rainbow Toad has remained elusive.  In fact, only one of the 10 species granted highest priority (the Ten Most Wanted) had turned up – Ecuador’s Spotted Stubfoot Toad, Atelopus balios.  However, a 3-month-long search of the Gung Penrisser Mountains in Sarawak, western Borneo, revealed that the Rainbow Toad is still with us. Read More »

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