Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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[…]remain healthy, tortoises need a thermal gradient – that is, they must be able to move from hot basking sites to cooler areas, and most benefit from a dip in temperature at night. Other concerns include difficulties in providing a stimulating environment and in maintaining cleanliness. Outdoor Enclosures Outdoor maintenance […]
[…]most captive reptiles, maximum UVB exposure is best assured by placing the UVB bulb near a basking (heat producing) bulb. As the animal seeks warmth under the basking bulb, it is also positioning itself near the UVB source. It occurred to me that the small size of compact bulbs may […]
[…]below. The Scope of the Problem When I began looking into the mercury content of food trade turtles some years ago (very high, by the way!), Florida Softshell Turtles (Apalone ferox) dominated the NYC markets. Today, one more commonly sees the Chinese Softshell (Pelodiscus sinensis). Although rare within its […]
[…]if you wish to help). Further Reading Keeping Snapping and Alligator Snapping Turtles Snapping Turtles in Brackish Water […]
[…]care of confiscated animals – creatures which they might otherwise see in zoos only, if at all. Turtle Rehabilitation Turtles are the reptiles most commonly brought to rehabilitators, and because even “non-herpers” like turtles, it is with these creatures that we have developed our greatest expertise. In my work as […]
[…]great success – Freeze Dried Bloodworms, Shrimp Pellets, Hikari First Bites Fish Food and Hikari Turtle Sticks ground into a fine powder. Kyle has observed the tadpoles taking in sizable (relatively speaking!) pieces of food, and reports no losses since formulating this diet. Thanks, Kyle – no more expensive Nettle […]
[…]often centered on the carapace, adds to the difficulties involved in keeping these unusual turtles. Nile Softshell Turtle (Trionx triunguis) Although certain populations are in decline, this huge aquatic turtle has a large range, and seems to be doing well in some areas. Youngsters occasionally appear in the trade, […]
[…]herps “become bored” with crickets, mealworms and other staples. A Link between Diet and Basking Behavior The researchers conducting the 1990 prey-choice study theorized that reptiles may be able to track their nutrient intake, and then select prey accordingly…in essence balancing their diet. Fast forward to 2011, when some very […]
[…]world’s 24 species of Softshell Turtles (Family Trionychidae) depart radically from the typical turtle body plan, and their behavior holds many surprises for those familiar with “normal” turtles. In Part 1 of this article we looked at their natural history and diet, and discussed the basics of captive care. I also […]
[…]equipment, and their care can be quite time consuming. One possible exception is the Common Musk Turtle and such relatives as the North American Mud Turtle. While not exactly “simple” to care for, they make excellent choices for someone set on turtle ownership. Maxing out at 5 inches or so, […]