Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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[…]Reading Video of a “droll” young Musk Turtle hunting. Natural History of Musk and Mud Turtles. Loggerhead Musk Turtle Hatchling image referenced from wikipedia and originally posted by Nichole Buchmann Eastern Mud Turtle image referenced from wikipedia and originally posted by LA Dawson Staurotypus triporcatus image referenced from wikipedia and […]
[…]the Slider’s lifestyle, good nature and hardiness, but do not grow quite as large. Common Musk Turtles, Eastern Mud Turtles and a number of their relatives are even smaller, and do not need a source of UVB radiation. All make great pets, and become quite responsive to people. There are […]
[…]on turtle plastrons. Hatchlings and juveniles can be raised in smaller aquariums, with Zoo Med Turtle Docks or R-Zilla Basking Platforms used as land areas. Filtration Filtration is best accomplished with a strong canister filter, as internal filters will be moved about or broken by these active turtles. Be sure […]
[…]Spotted Turtle Care Products (please post below for further information) Commercial turtle docks Turtle filters Zoo Med 10.0 UVB bulb Mercury vapor bulbs Incandescent (heat) bulbs Aquatic turtle diets Hi, my name is Frank Indiviglio. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently […]
[…]Bulbs are water-resistant, and so can stand up to the splashing that is so common around aquatic turtle basking areas without breaking. They have an average life of 2,500 hours. Other high quality UVA bulbs include the Hagen Sun Glo Daylight Halogen and R-Zilla’s Spot Day White Bulbs and Incandescent […]
[…]New York Turtle and Tortoise Society and other herp-oriented organizations, internationally-known turtle biologists, private turtle fanciers and zoo colleagues. The marathon effort was a grand success, with more turtles saved and placed in good homes than anyone would have dared hope upon first seeing their wretched condition. Given the passion, […]
[…]have access to submerged caves. Old crockery flowerpots work well; I also favor the Penn Plax Turtle Pier, which provides a dry basking site as well as an underwater shelter. Aided by strong legs and a long tail, Big Headed Turtles are accomplished climbers. Be sure to cover your aquarium […]
[…]Reading The NYTTS 2011 Turtle and Tortoise Show Learn more about the work of the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society and other turtle interest groups here. Subscribe to Herp Digest […]
[…]D3 receptors in the brain are believed responsible for accessing vitamin needs and controlling basking behavior. Basking or Diet? I was most interested in this article because, although this point was not specifically addressed, it established that panther chameleons can be provided with adequate Vitamin D3 (at least in the […]
[…]than aquariums. Koi ponds sometimes contain shelves meant to hold plants; these work well as turtle basking areas. Outdoor housing is ideal, assuming that raccoons and other predators can be excluded. Although highly aquatic, Painted Turtles need a dry surface on which to bask. Commercial turtle docks will suffice […]
[…]habitat for most semi-aquatic and aquatic turtles, including Red-Eared Sliders, Painted and Map Turtles, Cooters, Reeve’s Turtles and others. I’ll also mention money-saving alternatives to certain products, along with non-essential “extras” that can be added if you wish. Please see Part 1 for information on enclosures, basking sites and shelters. Ultra-violet […]
[…]include little if any vegetation in their diets. Chief among these are most of the Musk and Mud Turtles, Spotted Turtles, Diamondbacks and the various Softshells. Surprisingly, the Common Snapping Turtle, a voracious predator of animals ranging from tadpoles to ducks, also has distinct vegetarian leanings. Their preferences seem to […]
[…]infancy, and especially favors spiders. After locating the spider, we swam out from beneath the dock to plan our capture strategy. Noting my sidekick’s smaller size, and the fact that he has handled snakes longer than himself, I suggested that he go back and collect it, as the area was […]
[…]Indiviglio. Further Reading An interesting field report on how habitat development affect wood turtles is posted at To read more about reptile intelligence, please see my article Learning: Observations of Zoo Animals […]
[…]than aquariums. Koi ponds sometimes contain shelves meant to hold plants; these work well as turtle basking areas. Outdoor housing is ideal, assuming that raccoons and other predators can be excluded. Although highly aquatic, Sliders and similar turtles need a dry surface on which to bask. Commercial turtle docks will […]
[…]article to learn about the CUC Phoung Center’s efforts to rescue this and other Southeast Asian turtles. Keeled Box Turtle image referenced from wikipedia and originally posted by Torsten […]
[…]Sliders, Sidenecks, and Asian Box, Spotted and Painted Turtles, but is also useful for African Mud Turtles, Spotted Pond Turtles and others. I especially like the fact that it is available in both hatchling and adult formulas, with the levels of protein and other nutrients adjusted for each. ReptiSticks […]
[…]than aquariums. Koi ponds sometimes contain shelves meant to hold plants; these work well as turtle basking areas. Outdoor housing is ideal, assuming that raccoons and other predators can be excluded. Although highly aquatic, all map turtles need a dry surface on which to bask. Commercial turtle docks will […]
[…]receive many questions and complaints centering on the amount of work involved in keeping turtle aquarium water clean. Turtles are messy feeders, and very hard on water quality. Powerful filters help, but partial or total water changes will still be necessary (and filtration medium needs frequent replacement). Land-dwelling tortoises […]
The well-named Ornate Wood Turtle (Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima), also known as the Painted Wood Turtle, Honduran Wood Turtle or Central American Wood Turtle, is one of the most exquisitely-beautiful land turtles in the Western Hemisphere. The first I saw, as a boy working for a NYC animal importer, stopped me in […]