Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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[…]Snake: 20-55 gallon Ball Python: 30-55 gallon Temperature Corn Snake: 75-82 F, with a basking site of 90 F Ball Python: 80-85 F, with a basking site of 90 F Diet Food intake will vary among individuals and in tune with temperature, season, life cycle stage, and other […]
[…]My nephew readily tackles snakes exceeding his own length, but when I asked him to swim under a dock and capture this spider, he quickly replied “No way, man”! Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula: perhaps the world’s largest spider, this species is a favorite of private and professional spider keepers. Field […]
[…]Spotted Turtle Care Products (please post below for further information) Commercial turtle docks Turtle filters Zoo Med 10.0 UVB bulb Mercury vapor bulbs Incandescent (heat) bulbs Aquatic turtle diets Hi, my name is Frank Indiviglio. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently […]
[…]Bearded Dragons cost more. Heat Bearded Dragon: Incandescent fixture and bulb for basking site Red/black bulb or ceramic heat emitter (night) Leopard Gecko: Incandescent fixture and bulb for basking site Heat tape or ceramic heat emitter (night) Verdict: Bearded Dragons require higher temperatures, but the cost […]
[…]receive many questions and complaints centering on the amount of work involved in keeping turtle aquarium water clean. Turtles are messy feeders, and very hard on water quality. Powerful filters help, but partial or total water changes will still be necessary (and filtration medium needs frequent replacement). Land-dwelling tortoises […]
[…]practice” in some places…not much of a challenge, given their size and immobility when basking, I imagine! Longevity Zoo specimens have reached at least age 24; several under my care were in their late teens, and still full of spunk. Longevity in the wild has not been well-documented, as […]
[…]the Slider’s lifestyle, good nature and hardiness, but do not grow quite as large. Common Musk Turtles, Eastern Mud Turtles and a number of their relatives are even smaller, and do not need a source of UVB radiation. All make great pets, and become quite responsive to people. There are […]
[…]in bare enclosures. UVB exposure is essential, and a temperature gradient of 72-85 F, with a basking site of 90-95 F, should be established. A diet comprised of as many insect species as possible must be supplied; crickets and mealworms alone are not adequate. Sudan Plated Lizard, Gerrhosaurus (Broadleysaurus) […]
[…]capacity, commercial turtle tubs or ponds. A dry basking surface is essential. Commercial turtle docks and ramps suffice for smaller specimens, but adults will likely sink anything that is not affixed to the glass with silicone adhesive. Cork bark wedged between the aquarium’s sides is another option. Salinity […]
[…]fare best at a temperature range of 80-85 F. An incandescent bulb should be used to create a basking spot of 90 F. Large enclosures are necessary if a thermal gradient (areas of different temperatures) is to be established. Thermal gradients, critical to good health, allow snakes to regulate […]