Search results for "iguana venezuela"
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[…]at 215 pounds – no Titanoboa, but then again not an easy animal to wrest from the muck of a Venezuelan swamp either. For the full story and some photos of myself and others with that snake, please see my article Hunting Anacondas in the Venezuelan […]
[…]55 gallon tank will provide you with infinitely more to observe than will an adult Green Iguana in a commercial iguana cage outfitted with a single shelf. Cost: Your pet’s initial purchase price is but one part of the cost of lizard ownership, which also includes electricity use, veterinary […]
[…]infection. This fungus is ever-present, but is easily handled by healthy immune systems. Green Iguanas and other reptiles have been found susceptible to Aspergillus as well; I would not be surprised if stress played a role as it does in birds. Please be aware that stress is not limited to […]
[…]markings that characterize hatchlings. Limited to the Rio Negro and Rio Casiquiare drainages in Venezuela and Brazil, it is a secretive species that mainly keeps to blackwater areas. This turtle’s wild status has not been well-studied, but it is assumed threatened by past over-collection and habitat loss. Those I have […]
[…]working with large snakes in zoos, was stunned when a 17 foot long anaconda I helped to capture in Venezuela disgorged a deer weighing 60 pounds (this at 3AM, below the hammock upon which I was trying to sleep)! I also observed anacondas swallowing a large side-necked turtle, Podocnemis unifilis, […]
Although I have kept reptiles and amphibians since childhood, and worked in zoos for most of my adult life, I remain amazed by the array of herp-care innovations that are available to us today. True, not all are necessary (and some are downright ridiculous!), but many are indispensable to serious […]
[…]coworker phoned me at 4 AM, frantically speaking in the rapid fire Spanish typical of her native Venezuela…and which I have great difficulty in grasping at 4 PM, much less 4 AM! Eventually I learned that 3 elderly millipede researchers had passed away recently, and that preliminary evidence indicated that […]
While working with Green Anacondas in the central Venezuela llanos (please see my article Hunting Anacondas in the Venezuelan Llanos) in the late 1990’s, I was delighted to find that Black Tegus, one of my favorite lizards, were quite common in the area. Sometimes referred to as “New World monitor […]
[…](the tortoise was an unfortunate exhibit mate; the deer fell to an anaconda at my study site in Venezuela) and 40 pound pigs regularly fed to Reticulated and Burmese Pythons under my care at the Bronx Zoo, for example. A few shell scutes, hoofs, some bone fragments and fur where […]
[…]California, Nevada, northern California, Japan (including in temple ponds in historic Kyoto!), Venezuela, St. Lucia and St. Croix. Such sightings, of course, are not noteworthy, considering that this plucky survivor is well established in 25 or more countries on all continents except Antarctica (actually, when referring to animals with large […]