Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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The beautifully-colored and charmingly-pugnacious Argentine Horned Frog, Ceratophrys ornata, may be the world’s most popular amphibian pet. No matter how many rare and wonderful frogs I encounter, I always save a place for Horned Frogs in the zoo exhibits I manage and in my personal collection. Despite their size (females […]
[…]During the cooling off period, daytime temperatures can be kept at 81-83 F, with a warmer basking site available. At night, temperatures should be allowed to dip to 62-68 F (60-65 F if your anoles originated in the northern portion of the range). The daytime light cycle should gradually be […]
[…]can be allowed to drop to 75 F or so. A spotlight-type bulb should be used to create a basking spot of 90 F. Large enclosures are necessary if a thermal gradient (areas of different temperatures) is to be established. Thermal gradients, critical to good health, allow snakes to regulate […]
[…]bulbs or ceramic heaters should be used to maintain an ambient temperature of 72-78 F and a basking temperature of 83-85 F. Both humid and dry areas should be provided. A cave stocked with moist sphagnum moss makes an ideal moist retreat. Although UVB light is not essential, […]
[…]freeze dried shrimp, frozen and flake foods marketed for tropical fishes, moist algae tablets and turtle chow, small live and dead crickets, black worms and other invertebrates, and some fruits and vegetables. Calcium blocks will be used by some species, and powdered calcium should be mixed into their food as […]
[…]also called to a site where one was said to be swallowing a large Savanna Side-Necked Turtle, Podocnemis unifilis. The 14-15 foot long snake had given up or been outwitted by the time I arrived, but she bore long, narrow wounds along the neck – the result, perhaps, of trying […]
[…]a 5-foot-long Spectacled Caiman, a large Red-footed Tortoise, and a hefty Giant Side-necked Turtle. The world’s other giant constrictors – Reticulated, Burmese, Indian and African Rock Pythons – are also champion diners. The largest meal I’ve been able to track down in a published source is a 130 pound […]
[…] The ambient temperature of 78-85 F is ideal. An incandescent bulb should be used to create a basking spot of 90-95 F. Heat pads placed below the aquarium work well for Sand Boas, which rarely if ever emerge to bask. Heat pads do not effectively warm the air, and […]
[…]believe. While we’ve come a long way from when they were thought to thrive on sugar water and “turtle food” (ant pupae), many new keepers still misunderstand their needs. Green Anoles are prone to stress-related ailments, and should not be handled unnecessarily. Although small in size, they are very active…a […]
[…]temperatures vary widely among the different species. Ambient temperatures of 75-82 F, with a basking spot of 88-92 F, will suit most. Incandescent bulbs should be used to maintain temperatures. A ceramic heater or reptile night bulb can be employed after dark. Leopard Geckos and other nocturnal species may also […]