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Research News – After Feeding, Snakes Remodel their Gut and Produce New Cells

[…]the “cold-blooded” rule when digesting their meals.  While most snakes must seek out a hot basking spot in order to maximize digestion, Burmese Pythons can actually raise their internal temperatures without an external heat source!  Further Reading Please see Big Snake Meals for some examples of how large (and unusual) snake […]
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Breeding the Rosy Boa

[…]are more easily accommodated than most related species.  Temperatures of 78-85F, with a warmer basking spot and, if possible, a nighttime dip to 70-72F, suit them well. Breeding is most likely if the pair is maintained at 52-54 F for 6-8 weeks, but normal changes in home temperatures may be […]

Newt Toxins: Personal Observations and Interesting Facts – Part II

[…]career!).  Years later, a co-worker reported a similar incident involving a Western painted turtle (Chrysemys picta bellii). Interesting Means of Toxin Introduction Several salamanders have quite unique ways of distributing their protective secretions – fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra), for example, can squirt theirs for some distance.  Perhaps strangest of all, […]
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Pet Lizards: Large, Small, and Colorful Insectivores

[…]in bare enclosures.   UVB exposure is essential, and a temperature gradient of 72-85 F, with a basking site of 90-95 F, should be established.  A diet comprised of as many insect species as possible must be supplied; crickets and mealworms alone are not adequate.   Sudan Plated Lizard, Gerrhosaurus (Broadleysaurus) […]
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Salmonella Prevention – Guidelines for Reptile and Amphibian Owners

[…]Salmonella and Micobacteria: Aqua Gloves Softshell Turtle in ginseng shop By E8976-Namdaemun-Turtles-sold-in-ginseng-shop.jpg: Vmenkov derivative work: Vmenkov (E8976-Namdaemun-Turtles-sold-in-ginseng-shop.jpg) [CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia […]
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The 5 Best Holiday Gifts for Reptiles, Amphibians and Their Owners

[…]to hide. I wedge pieces between aquarium glass to create convenient, smooth resting sites for turtles, newts and frogs. By positioning the bark just below the water’s surface you can also provide the submerged sites favored by musk and other aquatic turtles and many amphibians. I could go on, and […]
Read more » The 5 Best Holiday Gifts for Reptiles, Amphibians and Their Owners

Breeding the Green Basilisk and Related Species – Part 2

[…]are also favored. Young Green Basilisks should be maintained at 80 F, and have access to a basking site of 85-90 F.  Sexual maturity is usually reached by age 18 months, but males may begin to do battle at the tender age of 6 months, and so should be segregated […]
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A Snake Breeder’s Delight – the African House Snake

[…]feet, and both sexes are slender in build. Captive Breeding An ambient temperature of 78 F with a basking site of 85-90 F suits individuals from most populations.  While some breed more reliably when chilled to 60 F for 4 weeks or so, others reproduce when maintained at a stable […]
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Boa Constrictors and their Relatives – Natural History and Captive Care

[…]to observe your pet’s nocturnal activities.  Under-tank heaters should be used to create a warm basking surface for Sand and Rubber Boas (these heaters do little to warm air, however). Provide your snake with the largest home possible, so that a thermal gradient (areas of different temperatures) can be established.  […]
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Has Anyone Observed This?….. Madagascar and Standing’s Day Geckos (Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis, P. m. madagascariensis, P. standingi) maintain excellent health and reproduce without a UVB source

It is well known that many species of lizard, turtle and crocodilian require ultraviolet light of a specific wavelength (290-310 nanometers) in order to synthesize Vitamin D3.  This vitamin, in turn, allows the reptiles to make use of the calcium in their diets.  Such reptiles (which generally bask in the […]
Read more » Has Anyone Observed This?….. Madagascar and Standing’s Day Geckos (Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis, P. m. madagascariensis, P. standingi) maintain excellent health and reproduce without a UVB source
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