Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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Many turtle keepers here in the USA can recall seeing hatchling Red-Eared Sliders with gaily-painted shells being offered for sale at pet stores and carnivals. Thankfully, through education and the passage of legislation, that practice, which killed thousands if not millions of turtles, is no longer with us. Unfortunately, an […]
[…]Snake: 20-55 gallon Ball Python: 30-55 gallon Temperature Corn Snake: 75-82 F, with a basking site of 90 F Ball Python: 80-85 F, with a basking site of 90 F Diet Food intake will vary among individuals and in tune with temperature, season, life cycle stage, and other […]
[…]off-topic: just last week (February 17, 2012) I came across a large male Common Snapping Turtle who was out and about in a small woodland pool in northern New Jersey. While this species is perhaps the most cold-tolerant of all turtles, I’ve not seen one active this early in the […]
[…]Snake meals mentioned above are the largest I know of. Aquatic Surprises Most semi-aquatic turtles are able to swallow food only while in water, so I was most interested to read of a Chacoan River Turtle, Rhinoclemmys nasuta, that consumed carrion (the body of a Water Opossum) while on land. […]
[…]essential. Heat, Humidity and Light Ambient temperature should be maintained at 80-85 F, with a basking site of 90 F. Temperatures can be reduced to 75-80 F at night. A ceramic heat emitter or under tank heat pad can be used to warm the air and create a basking site. […]
[…]A simple terrarium re-location may save time, effort and money. Terrarium ambient and basking temperatures should be carefully monitored, day and night; a huge array of herp-specific thermometers greatly simplifies this task. Zoo Med’s Hygrotherm Humidity and Temperature Controller and other light and heater timers can help create healthful […]
[…]to act in a more “natural” manner. While they do not seem to engage in “play” (although turtle owners may question this!), most will engage in activities that are extensions of natural behaviors, particularly hunting. Poison frogs respond quickly to novel situations and are among the best amphibian candidates for […]
[…]Proves no Match for African Spurred Tortoise How Reptiles Adjust to Novel Situations Legendary turtle biologist Peter Prichard gives a wonderful account of living and extinct giant tortoises in the classic Encyclopedia of Turtles (TFH, 1979). Please write in with your questions and comments. Thanks, until next time, Frank […]
[…]Cork bark should be provided as an above-ground hiding spot. Temperatures of 78-80 F, with a basking spot of 90 F, are sufficient. Night-viewing bulbs can be used to provide heat without disturbing the snakes at night, and should aid in observing their nocturnal activities Those I’ve kept fed well […]
[…]overnight in a few inches of warm water and assisted with a Reptile Shedding Aid. Light and Heat A basking site of 95F or so should be provided, with an ambient temperature of 82-85 F. A nighttime dip to 68-72 F is beneficial. Blue Tongue Skinks can utilize dietary Vitamin […]