Search results for "basking dock turtle"
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[…]keepers. The Asian Turtle Crisis A lack of funds and space in zoos led the establishment of the Turtle Survival Alliance, the largest turtle rescue effort ever launched. The Alliance was organized in response to unprecedented declines in freshwater turtle populations throughout Asia – a phenomenon that has come to […]
[…]can be maintained. Of course, there were some problems early on. I was working with green sea turtle head-start programs in Costa Rica when TDSD first came to light. The organization I was with had been gathering sea turtle eggs for 30 years, incubating them, and then releasing the young […]
[…]during the winter months, despite being kept warm. However, the captive born offspring of such a turtle will generally feed throughout the year. Wild-caught reptiles and amphibians hailing from temperate climates, such as the wood frog, fire salamander and snapping turtle viewed here, may become lethargic and go off feed […]
[…]into, but well, well, worth the effort. Further Reading Herp Volunteer Opportunities. New York Turtle & Tortoise Society’s Turtle Rescues in Brooklyn: a fine example of a herp society in action. Careers in Herpetology (Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists); includes a list of colleges and universities known for strong herpetology […]
[…]but details are lacking and most do poorly if denied UVB exposure. Snakes, Common Snapping Turtles and other aquatic turtles, and nocturnal lizards (i.e. Leopard Geckos) are able to obtain D3 from their food. Captives generally do fine without UVB light, provided that sufficient D3 is present in the diet. […]
Red-Eared Sliders, Snapping Turtles, Red-Bellied Turtles, Soft-shelled Turtles, Reeve’s Turtles and the various Side-necks and Snake-necks are among the world’s most popular reptilian pets. While we know much about their care, the importance of calcium in the diet is, judging from the questions I receive on this blog, still not […]
[…]to manufacture D3 in the skin. Stripefoot Anoles, on the other hand, did not decrease their basking time when fed high levels on D3, and they did not increase basking behavior when fed diets low in D3. The researchers therefore concluded that Brown Anoles are able to use […]
[…]be kept in semi-aquatic terrariums that allow for swimming, but they must have access to warm, dry basking sites (branches over water work well). Shy specimens that will not bask should be moved into terrestrial situations with just a bowl of water available. Curing Blister Disease A Northern Water Snake […]
[…]product on the market. Amazingly simple in design and easy to use, it will keep sliders, musk turtles, map turtles and similar species well-occupied…and their owners very amused! Exo-Terra’s Automatic Turtle Feeder, similar in design to automatic fish-feeders, is a much-needed addition to the turtle-keeper’s supply kit. You […]
[…]UVB and UVA Lamps (Bulbs) A Zoo Med 10.0 UVB bulb positioned within 6 to 8 inches of the basking site, is ideal. Mercury vapor bulbs can be used in situations where the basking site cannot be positioned within 12 inches of the bulb. A source of UVA light, while […]