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[…]breeding efforts – I urge you to experiment with termites and other insects. To make a termite trap, simply take a plastic storage box – the shoebox size works well – and cut several holes of 2-3 inches in diameter into the 4 sides. Stuff the box with damp […]
[…]past I have written about collecting leaf litter and arboreal insects, as well as devices such as termite traps and the Zoo Med Bug Napper. Please see the following articles for more information: Collecting Leaf Litter Invertebrates Collecting Live Food: an Entomologist’s Technique Building a Termite Trap Collecting Live Insects […]
[…]see my other insect-collecting articles as well – Leaf Litter Invertebrates and Building a Termite […]
[…]pets. For information on a simple method of gathering termites, please see my article Building a Termite Trap. Next time I’ll explain how to harvest and use this bonanza of free food, and my unexpected find when visiting reptile collections overseas. Further Reading Several tiny invertebrate species can be cultivated […]
[…]of the collecting jar will assure they survive until removed. More information. Termite Traps Termites feature heavily in the diets of animals ranging from tiny toads to huge monitor lizards. To make a termite trap, simply take a small plastic storage box and cut several holes of 2-3 inches […]
[…]Monitors exclusively chose termite mounds as nest sites. In occupied mounds, the resident termites usually closed the nest entrance hole within 3-5 hours after egg deposition. If they did not, the female monitor finished the job. In another unexpected turn of events, male monitors assisted females in covering nests on […]
[…]most in the wild. Termites can easily be collected from colonies established in dead logs. A termite trap, baited with damp cardboard, is simple to construct and may yield thousands of insects each season. Please see the article linked below. Flour Beetle Larvae I was first introduced to flour beetles […]
[…]may be consumed by insectivorous pets, raising the danger of secondary poisoning. Using Molasses Traps A molasses trap is simply a jar or other container partially filled with molasses and leaned against a wall or other surface that provides access. Molasses’ scent apparently carries far, and is irresistible to many […]
[…]own escapes. Just be sure that the snake cannot injure itself by thrashing about, and check the trap frequently. Minnow Traps Although rarely used, minnow, crayfish and eel traps also work well as snake traps and can even be baited with live earthworms (I’ve captured Common Garter Snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis, […]
[…]day old crickets (gut-loaded). Springtails: purchase or gather below leaf litter. Termites: trap or collect in dead logs Flour beetle larvae: available commercially. Newly-hatched mantids Ants: not all are accepted; beware of large/aggressive species. Aphids: tiny insects that colonize plant stems. “Field Plankton”: insects gathered by sweeping through tall grass […]
[…]a strand of spaghetti, and can coil comfortably atop a quarter. It subsists largely upon ant and termite larvae, and may be threatened by habitat loss. A relatively large hatchling – ½ of the adult size – emerges from the single egg laid by the female (perhaps there is no […]
[…]field guides for hints, as those I trap are minute! Collecting Sap Beetles Sap Beetles are easy to trap in jars baited with over-ripe fruit. Banana and mango skins, strawberries and cherries all seem equally attractive. In my yard, Sap Beetles invariably arrive earlier than fruit flies, and in greater […]
[…]terrestrial, it climbs well and often shelters in tree hollows, thatched roofs and arboreal termite mounds. There is some evidence that specific home ranges are maintained, and that the same shelter may be utilized for quite long periods of time. Diet Birds, mammals (shrews, hyrax, rodents, bats), snakes, and lizards […]
[…]you can add vital nutrients to your pets’ diets by collecting freshwater fishes via seine net, trap or pole. I always remove the dorsal and pectoral spines of catfishes, sunfishes and other well-armed species, just to be on the safe side. Fish and Vitamin E The Vitamin E question has […]
[…]areas, should be offered whenever possible. Zoo Med’s Bug Napper is an excellent insect trap. Sweeping a net through tall grass and searching around outdoor lights will also yield a wide variety of tasty treats. Avoid using spiders, fireflies and stinging/brightly-colored insects, and do not collect during times when your […]
[…]luring fishes while floating (fishing spiders) or rushing from burrows fitted with hinged doors (trap door spider). However, all spiders consume insects, including agricultural pests and disease-bearing species, to some degree. Field research has shown that harmful flies comprising over 60% of the diet of certain web-building species. It is […]
[…]interesting to observe and many can be collected to feed to your collection (a Bug Napper Insect Trap situated near a garden will provide a great nightly haul). Flowering gardens are also important as feeding sites for pollinating insects, many of which are in serious decline. Over 80% of the […]
[…]to crickets and waxworms. Small wild-caught insects (Zoo Med’s Bug Napper is an excellent trap) should be given regularly. Most green treefrogs feed readily from plastic tongs….canned silkworms are an excellent addition to the diet. These frogs are persistently arboreal, so burrowing insects such as small butterworms and waxworms should […]
[…]reputation as a gourmet’s delight, as well as to habitat loss, pollution, road and crab trap mortality and nest predation, Diamondback numbers have plummeted in recent years. Fortunately, a number of highly effective rescue efforts have been mounted. In cooperation with the New York Turtle and Tortoise Society, the Wetlands […]
[…]positive that the technique is now a regular part of the husbandry regime in several collections! Trapping Tiny, Flying Insects The Zoo Med Bug Napper, a very effective insect trap that I rely upon throughout the warmer months, will attract tiny gnats, moths, beetles and flies along with larger insects. […]