The first two installations of our DIY blog series – “Adding a Personal Touch to You Aquarium Decor” and “Aquarium Decoration Ideas – Fish Bowl Designs & DIY” – seem to have gotten your creative juices flowing so we’re back with another entry. The most frequent questions we’ve gotten since then have been about the materials that you are looking to put into your aquarium so we’re going to break down some of the most popular materials that you’ve all asked us about. Remember, these are just some basic guidelines and you may need to test the piece you’re trying to use.
Cyanoacrylate Glue (“Reef Glue”, “Krazy Glue”, “Super Glue”) – These glues are some of the most common, especially among aquarists and reef hobbyists. They are effective with many different types of materials and are very strong, particularly when bonding plastic materials. They work well with reattaching coral frags that may have dislodged or fixing ornaments and they cure quickly. Most of them tend to turn milky-white if they are put into the water while the glue is still wet but they are otherwise safe for lots of applications.
- Silicone Sealant – Silicone sealants are usually used to fix the seams of an aquarium but they can also be used in assembling ornaments and pieces within the aquarium. It is usually available in black or “clear” (usually more milky blue-white, in my experience) and can be thicker that cyanoacrylate glue, but it is durable and more flexible once cured. Be sure to read the directions to make it easier to use and cure it fully before using it in your aquarium.
- Epoxy – Epoxy is a two-part adhesive that needs to be mixed together to activate. Underwater epoxies usually look like a putty with an outer coating over a contrasting center and are commonly found in white or a coralline-algae-colored purple. These epoxies are more cement-like than other adhesives and are good for creating rockwork formations but not as effective for surfaces that need a thinner, more transparent adhesive. Avoid using epoxies that aren’t designed for underwater use or with toxic materials, especially before the epoxy has fully cured.
- Hot Glue Guns – Hot glue guns are arts-and-crafts staples but are also surprisingly effective in aquariums, most especially in freshwater tanks. For quick fixes like re-attaching an artificial plant that may have become detached from a base, they are the easiest to use and are non-toxic and ready to use soon after applying. Make sure the pieces are completely dry and clean and avoid using this glue in higher-temperature tanks.
- Water-soluble glues – For obvious reasons, never use water-soluble glues like white craft glue in aquariums. They will never cure and will affect the water quality.

Nail polish is an easy and inexpensive solution for touch-ups and quick fixes.
- Clear-coats – Clear-coat paints and “sealers” were some of the most popular materials in the questions we’ve received. We’ve received many questions on what kind of clear sealers an aquarists can use to cover an unsafe material and make it suitable for use in a tank. There are clear spraypaints and other paints that can be used to coat an ornament or other piece but none of these can guarantee safety. The smallest crack or opening in clearcoat can allow water in and to the surface underneath. Once the water has started to get in, it will continue to soak in and get below the clearcoat. None of these clearcoats can prevent metal from corroding or minerals from dissolving. If something isn’t safe for your tank to begin with, a clearcoat isn’t going to make it safe. Clearcoats are available in enamel or acrylic just like the paints we’ll discuss next…
- Enamel – In my opinion, enamel paints are some of the most durable for underwater use once they are cured. Small jars can be found in many different colors in craft and hobby stores with the model-building supplies. Even most nail polishes are enamel; we’ve used nail polish to create numbered frag plugs in our retail store for years. Clear nail polish can be used for quick touchups as well. Enamel spray paints are good for quick coverage for ornaments or for backgrounds on the outside of tanks. For any form of enamel paint, make sure it is fully dried and cured before using it in your tank; “dry to the touch” does not necessarily mean it is cured. If the directions on the paint say to allow it to cure for several days, follow those instructions.
- Acrylic – Acrylic paint is a water-soluble paint but can be fairly water-resistant once it is cured. These paints have some mixed results among hobbyists. I prefer to keep acrylic out of the tank itself; acrylic spraypaints can be effective backgrounds on the tank but may not hold up as well in the tank and constantly underwater. The most popular of the “acrylic” paints for use in aquariums is Krylon Fusion paints. These paints are usually described as “acrylic alkyd enamels” and they share characteristics of enamels and acrylics. Many aquarists use these paints with good results, especially over plastics, but they are less effective on glass surfaces where many aquarists see the paint peeling or flaking off.
Aquarium decorations are where you can really let your creative juices start flowing! From fishing lures and hockey pucks to Eiffel Towers and zombies, we’ve gotten lots of questions about new pieces you all have been considering for your aquariums. While I obviously cant cover every single object here, here are a few of the most common materials we’ve been seeing you consider and how suitable (or otherwise) they may be for your aquarium.
- Metal – Avoid it. Sure, you can try covering it up to protect it from the water, but as we’ve discussed, any small moisture seeping to the metal can start affecting your tank. At best, it will likely have some surface corrosion. At worst, it can leach very harmful chemicals into your water and even conduct electricity. To be safe, look elsewhere for a decoration if the object you are considering is made from or has any pieces of any type of metal.
- Natural/organic material – Use caution. This is a definite grey area. Some materials may be safe for some types of systems but others will decompose or severely affect the water quality by changing the pH or hardness. Also, where you are getting these things from can have a serious impact. Avoid using anything that you may have scavenged from nature (the beach, the forest, etc) since anything that the piece has come into contact with will go into your tank, including possibly harmful chemicals like pesticides. As a rule of thumb, it is also best to avoid putting anything natural into a very different environment than where it came from. For example, adding marine shells or corals to a freshwater tank isn’t safe and wood from the forest won’t usually hold up underwater.
- Rocks/Minerals – This depending entirely on what rock or mineral you are considering. Some are safe, others will affect the water quality. You can try keeping the piece you are considering in a container of your tankwater for at least a few days and monitor the water chemistry to make sure everything is remaining stable. Most rocks that affect water quality contain calcium carbonate which will dissolve at a low pH, causing the hardness to rise and pH to then increase. These rocks are usually from the ocean in origin. If you suspect this, you can try sprinkling a few drops of vinegar on your rock. If it has calcium carbonate, you’ll see it start to fizz up and dissolve. You would NOT want to addthis rock to a freshwater tank where the pH will be below around 8.0.
- Glass – Plain glass is fine in an aquarium. Colored glass is usually safe too, as long as it is the glass itself that is colored. The risky part comes with glass that is painted or glazed. When constantly submerged, this coloring can start coming off or be very easy to scrape off and may be harmful to the livestock at that point. Most clear-coats like we discussed above don’t bond very well with glass and may not be enough to make the piece safe for the tank. Use caution with any colored pieces and test, test, test before adding it to a tank with livestock! Most plain, clear glass is safe though and can you can make some very interesting betta bowls from fun vases and glass containers found at craft stores!

Glass is durable and lasts hundreds of years underwater so it is usually suitable as an aquarium decoration.
- Dishware and Pottery (mugs, plates, bowls, etc) – These pieces are usually safe. As a general rule of thumb, if the mog/bowl/plate/etc is dishwasher-safe, it is probably aquarium-safe. A mug with a company logo can make a great aquarium decoration in your lobby, and simple plates and bowls can make good ledges and caves (especially in a pinch). If the piece ever actually has been in a dishwasher or in dish soap, make sure it is well-rinsed and clean of any soap or food residue before adding it to an aquarium. The same rules go for pottery as well. Some unglazed pottery like terracotta pots can be safe in an aquarium and make for good breeding caves, but if they’ve housed a plant at any time, they could have absorbed fertilizers or other chemicals. If this is the case, it would be best to use a clean, new pot than repurposing one. Some decorative glazes may also not be durable enough to handle aquarium conditions. When in doubt, leave it out!
- Plastic and Rubber – In general, safe!! Plain colored plastics are inert and can make excellent decorations! Toys like Lego building blocks can be great, customizable centerpieces to a tank but only use
Dishware like mugs can be excellent personal touches for most aquariums, and a good way to get your company’s logo in the tank!
pieces free from decals and decorations that may soften and break up underwater. The same goes for hard rubber. The hockey fan in me is dying to set up a tank with a hockey puck pyramid and hockey puck archways…but again, just use plain pieces without decals or decorations.
- Polyresin – A number of questions that we received about possible ornaments were for figurines made from polyresin. Polyresin is, in itself, inert and safe for most tanks. The paint and embellishment used on it may not be. You can experiment with water identical to your tank conditions or try contacting the manufacturer of the piece to see if they can give you some more information. But, once again, when in doubt, leave it out!
- Stickers or decals – When decorating your tank, don’t be afraid to use all of the surfaces available to you! Throughout these decoartion ideas, I’ve said to avoid using anything with decals or decorations and this is true….underwater. Don’t be afraid to use vinyl cutouts, stickers, window clings or other stick-ons on the outside of the tank. You can add dimension to the decor by using the front, background or sides for images that you can’t get on the pieces inside the tank.
I hope this helps you clear up some DIY confusion and gives you some more ideas of pieces that you can (and can’t) use to decorate your aquarium. If you’ve come up with your own creative DIY aquarium ornament, we’d love to see it!
How do I deal with rust. Cause some of it is on the rim of my tank and on the screen cover.
Hello Jordan, I would recommend replacing any metal pieces and avoid these pieces when dealing with aquariums. Once the metal has begun to rust, there really is no way to stop it since the moisture will also be there with aquariums. You can use a glass or plastic lid for the tank. If the tank itself has a metal frame, I would recommend replacing it with a new and safer tank. Metal frames were used in tanks before the 80’s and have since become obsolete.
I have created five aquariums out of repurposed iMacs.
I would like to add small logic boards and RAM chips inside as decorations, which of course contain metals.
I tried sealing a small RAM chip with aquarium silicone, bit it was a tedious job, and I didn’t like the results (I didn’t put it in the aquarium, because it didn’t come out nice).
Could I paint the chips and logic boards with Rustoleum Gloss Protective Enamel, or clear nail polish? – even if it took multiple coats?
Or is there an easier way to coat the boards with the silicone seal than just smearing it on? Is there a liquid version of the silicone seal?
Hello Joel, Coating the pieces in nail polish or a clear enamel should give you more of the look you want but as I mentioned in this blog, it still won’t make the pieces completely safe for the aquariums. Tiny cracks or crazing in the enamel can allow moisture to seep in and ones it gets in, the metal will start to rust or corrode and will only get worse. I wouldn’t recommend using any pieces with metal parts inside the aquarium at all. Do you have any room between the iMac shell and the glass/acrylic that you are using as the aquarium itself? You could affix your computer parts to the outside of the aquarium but inside the case it give it the illusion of being in the water. Good luck!
To Eileen & Joel (Re: Making a circuit board aquarium safe.)
How about embedding the circuit board in an epoxy resin block?
Epoxy resin can be found at craft stores like Michael’s and Joann’s. It comes in several sizes. Sometimes it comes as a two part product requiring mixing. Make sure you get both parts. They’re often sold separately. Also, if the pieces are rather small, there are products such as “Ice Resin” that are used to embed small objects used in jewelry components. Some craft stores carry it, some don’t. Call around and/or buy online.
Embedded like this, it should be air & water tight. And once cured should be non-toxic. Opinion?
Hello Pat, A resin block can be safe once fully cured and depending on the type of resin. It would give a very different look to the piece and many are not completely clear. Te safest solution is to avoid the dangerous material.
I recently used 100% clear silicone (not aquarium safe silicone) to cast some corals I had in my tank. After the silicone is removed and the original piece is taken out of the mold, will it be safe to put back into the aquarium again?
Hi Dillon, They should be safe as long as there is no uncured silicone remaining on the corals and as long as there are no added materials to the silicone you are using. Some silicones like those marketed for use in bathrooms have chemicals added to kill mold and mildew that I would be leery about adding to an aquarium but otherwise, you should be fine.
I would never thought about the nail polish – but it seams a good idea – thank you 🙂
I was wondering whether or not sculpy clay pieces would be safe to use in a freshwater tank
Hi Katie, I checked on Sculpey’s website and their FAQs page says “While our clays are non-toxic, we have not done any testing on any of the products to be used in aquariums.” Polymer clays are almost like plastic and it looks like a lot of people have used them successfully in snowglobes but it doesn’t look like many have tried using them in aquariums. I would think they’d probably be safe as long as they are fully cured and fired but you’d want to monitor their condition in the tank. The material itself is non-toxic but the durability may be questionable. The Sculpey FAQs page also has a list of their clays by durability; I would definitely go with the most durable clays over the least durable ones to be safe.
Can i use air dry clay and cover it with an epoxy paint once it has completely dried? It says it is non-toxic.
I wouldn’t recommend using air dry clay. Its difficult to tell without knowing exactly what kind of clay you are referring to, but I don’t imagine it would hold up underwater. Is it food-safe or dishwasher-safe once dried? If not, I’d avoid it…if they haven’t rated it safe for you, then its probably not going to be safe for your fish either. Coating an unsuitable material in epoxy paint doesn’t guarantee that it will be suitable afterwards or that the paint won’t craze or crack and allow water to seep in.
Does anyone know if you could put one of the garden gnome’s in a satlwater tank? What about freshwater?
Hello Marc, It would depend on what the garden gnome you are referring to is made out of, what it is painted with, etc., and I wouldn’t be able to say without knowing what garden gnome you are referring to. I would recommend reading through this blog as well as the others in this series for more information and recommendation on materials and what to look for in choosing suitable decorations.
Yes what can I use that’s safe for my fish, I just wanna glue rock and plants and not pay for expensive bottles. Does krazy glue actually work and is safe? Also what colored paints can I use to add color decor to help brighten the tank up a litte on some decor.
Would Lego’s be safe?
Hello Dakota, Any cyanoacrylate glues like Krazy Glue are safe in aquariums; it is used in aquariums quite a lot, especially in the saltwater end of the hobby with corals. Enamel paints like those mentioned in this blog would be safe for adding some color to your tank.
Hello Amanda, Lego’s are safe. I would try to avoid any with stickers or decals but the plastic block themselves are fine to use. Depending on your decoration, you may need to weigh them down since air trapped in the pieces may make them float but lots of aquarists have created some really unique tanks using Legos as decorations.
Hey can I use ceramic cups or any ceramic material for decoration in my tank? I have cichlids and I also add salt in the water.
Hello Niyant, Is the ceramic cup dishwasher-safe? As we discussed in the “Dishware and Pottery section” here and in Part 2, if it is dishwasher-safe, it is usually safe for your tank. If it isn’t, I would avoid it since it likely as a more delicate glaze that may not hold up.
I stumbled on your blog while doing some research in DIY aquarium decorations. I recently adopted the tank at my daughters school. I am trying to find inexpensive ways to create a natural setting for the fish. I really enjoyed your blog post. I was wondering if you have any thoughts on using plaster. I have seen several sources use styrofoam coated in quickcrete cement to create rock formations. I am concerned about the chemicals in the cement leaching into the tank. Would it be safer to seal the styrofoam in a layer of plaster instead? Have you any expierence with either method?
Thanks so much!
Hi Kate, thanks for commenting. We would hesitate to use plaster or any material that is not specifically designed for aquariums. The reason would be that anything not made for an aquarium could include chemicals or materials that could affect your water quality or the health of your fish. In our opinion it is not worth the risk. Thanks!
Are vinyl toys safe for aquariums? If not, can you cover it with a coat?
Hello Nicole, The vinyl itself would likely be fine but any decals on it wouldn’t likely hold up. You could try using a clear enamel paint but anytime you coat something that isn’t safe, there is a chance that any tiny cracks in the coat are going to allow moisture to seep in to the toy.
Hi. Can i use cotton?
Hello Tahsina, I wouldn’t recommend using anything organic like cotton since it will start to break down and decompose, particularly in certain water conditions like saltwater or low pH.
Thanks eileen
Hi I am making my own 3d background out of polysterine and will be silicone to the back to the tank. I am currently sculpting small pieces of polysterine to make a feature wall and wonder do i have to use the aquarium silicone to stick on as only comes in large bulky tube I need something smaller and winder if there is a glue for polysterine. The end result will be covered in 3 layers of quick Crete and painted as well but need something safe on polysterine
thanks jo
You can use many things to glue the foam together. Spray Foam works, Gorilla Glue works, Hot glue works, there are also “foam glues” that are available that work, you can get at hobby shops. Just test on a small piece of scrap first to make sure there are no odd reactions. For that log I built in the cylinder , I used toothpicks to hold the pieces where I wanted them, and used small amounts of sprayfoam to glue them together and fill any voids, then shaped the foam after it cured, and coated with Drylock. The quick crete will work also, just need to be careful of pH issues using concrete products. Foam Glue Google Search
Hey thanks alot for that appreciate it heaps .I have spent days sculpting the foam and don’t want to wreck it all with the wrong stuff
I was wondering if you could help me out. I’m trying to figure out how I could make a cave or tunnel thing out of rocks from outside but i don’t know what to coat them with to see if they’re safe… Can you help me?
Hello Brianna, Using anything from the outdoors in your tank is very risky and I wouldn’t recommend it at all. It is impossible to tell if they may have been exposed to any chemicals like pesticides and the composition of some rocks like limestone can change your water quality. It would be much safer to use base rock from an aquarium supplier in your tank and choose the type of rock carefully to be sure you aren’t using any that can affect the water in a way that will harm whatever types of fish you have/
There’s definately a great deal to learn about this subject.
I really like all of the points you’ve made.
I want to build something with Legos for my aquarium. I keep reading people say that air will get trapped inside the Legos? Is that a problem? Will I need to super glue each piece together to be successful? What to you recommend to keep the final product from floating?
Hello Courtney, Usually, the Legos don’t snap together tightly enough to trap air. You can try rotating your piece around underwater as you submerge it to give the air a chance to escape. Putting it in the tank straight down will make it much more likely for the air to get trapped since it will rise to the top of each piece. If you have any fish that are large enough to eat the Lego pieces in your sculpture or any of the pieces fit together loosely, I would recommend gluing it together to make it more secure. Otherwise, it will likely be solid enough without gluing. If you find the piece is floating, you can make a base for it out of one of those big, flat Lego base pieces and bury this part in the substrate. Some Lego pieces are also big enough to put small fishing weights into the pieces as you put them together.
Hey I had 4 now I have just one chilid left in my tank should I purchase more or is it fine to keep just one.(as I am not very keen to buy more)
And can you also suggest me in how many days should I clean my tank completely.
And what all precautions should I take.
Hello Niyant, I would recommend calling and speaking with someone in our Fish Room at 717-299-5691 about your tank and situation. Some cichlids are fine alone while others are better in groups so I can’t answer that without knowing what kind of cichlid you have. It should never be necessary to clean a tank by completely emptying it; this would start the tank over new and it would have to go through its cycling process again. Without knowing more about your tank (size, what kind of fish, water parameters like pH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, hardness, temperature) and what you are taking precautions against (poor water quality, disease, etc), I can’t give you any more specific recommendations. If you are looking for information on basic aquarium care and maintenance, you can also view a lot of different articles on different topics in our Aquatic Article Archive.
I”m building a castle with Sculpey clay – I’d like to add some additional color to some items like a red or copper parapet — If i paint the clay white after baking with enamel paint – does the enamel need to be sealed with any type of sealer or finish? Or should i just use the colored clay? (which ofc means another trip to Joann’s crafts lol
I plan to let this ‘gas out’ from any silicones or glue fumes for a week at least, and probably submerge it into water without fish for a week to be on safe side and check chemical levels to make sure nothing in water changes
this small castle will go in a 10 gallon tank which houses guppies atm, and once i move guppies in a few weeks to my 55 gallon i plan on putting a butterfly betta male in this tank.
if this is a success i want to do a larger castle for the 55 tank
and maybe a ship or something in my hubby’s 100 gallon saltwater tank
any advice or hints would be great
thanks for the great articles
Hi Leslie, I’m glad you enjoy our blogs. Enamel wouldn’t need sealed once it is fully dried and cured. We’ve used enamel paints quite often in our Fish Room and as long as they are allowed to fully dry, they have held up well for the most part. Sculpey isn’t proven to be aquarium-safe. Another commenter asked about them back in May; I would recommend checking out the link in that reply for Sculpey’s website and clay durability information.
I’ve read a bunch of tank forums the last week (when i shoulda been out running or working hahah) and so far a majority of them have used the sculpey with great success to make caves and such (but i’m a castle freak so … haha)
– so i’m gonna give it a try and may add some enamel paints for more colors than what i have 🙂 thank you for your reply
I just bought a 55 gallon fish tank and I want to put a fake skeleton in it but the only ones I could find assembled were plastic and contained metal
Hi Savannah, I do not recommend putting anything metal in the tank, coated or not. Any moisture that gets through that coating through small pores or cracks can reach the metal and cause corrotion and other issues. Plastic pieces, glass or pottery without delicate decorative glazes should be safe. I would keep looking or disassemble the skeleton and remove the metal. With Halloween coming up, try checking for plastic Halloween decorations or party favors.
Hello, what is the best way to adhere a paper image to show through the back of a tank?
Ho Abbey, That depends on the type of paper. In the examples I did in the second part of this series, “Aquarium Decoration Ideas – Fish Bowl Designs & DIY” as well as one of my tanks at home, I just used transparent tape on the edges since they were hidden by the frame and corners. You could also use a spray adhesive if the paper is laminated.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks for this wonderful post and responses. Wondering if you know if metallic spray paints would be safe to use as I want to do a design with copper colored pieces. Also if you know anything about coating objects with polygen which I just heard on the show “Tanked” – they were coating sports equipment to put in an aquarium and I can’t find anything on Google. Thanks!
Would it be safe to make an aquarium cave out of porcelain, and then glaze it in food-safe glaze??
Thank you
Hi Shannon, Glad you are enjoying this blog series! In my experience, paints with special finishes like metallics and neons don’t tend to hold up as well underwater but it depends on the type of aquarium and water conditions (lighting and water chemistry will affect the colors differently). I would recommend using an enamel paint like those used for models rather than a spray paint…they tend to hold up better when we’ve used them here. I would also be sure to coat the finished pieces in a clear enamel as well to help protect it. From what I have been able to find online, the product referred to on that show was Polygem. From their website, it appears to be a clear epoxy coating which is usually safe when used correctly. I’m not familiar with that product specifically and still wouldn’t recommend using unsafe materials in an aquarium – coated or not – but I do know that the artificial pieces in many large public aquariums are epoxy-based or -coated.
Hi Dante, Yes, that should be safe. Once again, if it is a dishwasher-safe or food-safe glaze, it is probably safe for the conditions of an aquarium. Porcelain and other ceramics like mugs, plates and bowls are generally safe to use as aquarium decor.
Great post! Thank you!
I want to design an interactive toy or two for my boyfriend’s green spotted puffer. The poor thing is so bloody bored! I looked everywhere, but I found no pre-made toys and everyone seems to be of the ‘they’re-fish-not-dogs’ mentality. But I could totally see our puff rolling a ball along a track or pushing through door flaps or whatever. I found your blog post as I was hunting for tips on materials to use, since I will obviously need to make these things myself. If you have any other ideas for things I could use or try making, I’d love to hear them!
Hi JD, I’m afraid that puffers won’t really “play with toys” like you might want to see. You can look for small plastic toys like these cat balls (but without the metal bells) or other similar small animals or even baby toys without paint, stickers or decals and put fresh, freeze-dried or (thawed) frozen food in the center for them to feed on. You can also add occasional live feeders like Ghost Shrimp to help them use their natural hunting instincts.
What a great resource this blog is. I want to use a bust from Restoration Hardware in a tank, they are made from resin which I am sure is safe, the problem is they are “hand finished” presumably with some sort of paint which makes it hard to know if it would be safe. Do you have any thoughts?
Thanks, Ron! Polyresins in themselves are usually safe but you are correct in that the paint used on them may not be. I would recommend soaking the bust in water with similar conditions to your tank for a couple weeks to make sure it holds up. You can use clear enamel topcoats or spray paints to help safeguard it but, as always, they shouldnt be used to make a potentially dangerous and unsafe material “aquarium friendly”. It is always a bit of a risk using something with unknown materials. You can try asking the store or manufacturer what kind of paints they used.
I’m trying to make magnets aquarium (fresh water) safe. I plan on using them to keep power heads in place instead of the suction cups, which always seem to come loose. The magnets are the strong neo-something type. What can I cover them with to make them usable in the tanks?
Hello Dominick, High-quality neodymium magnets are usually safe and don’t rust as easily as iron-based magnets but it is still not a good idea to use them in water constantly. Epoxy-coatings will help them last longer but any small scratches or cracks in the coating will still let water in. Keep in mind that the magnets can affect the mechanics of the power head, especially the impeller that spins inside the powerhead. VorTech Quiet Drive circulation pumps use magnets in the same way to hold them onto the side of the tank and the magnet can only be attached or adjusted when the pump is off due to the interference with the propeller. You may want to contact the manufacturer of your specific powerhead to discuss how magnets may affect that piece specifically.
I see several times to avoid metals. but I’m dying to make a tank out of an old drum (instrument) that has a clear front but everything else is metal. it’s a whole lot of hardware and a metal frame. is this a realistic possibility at all? if I seal it with something and then create an acrylic tank for the inside would it still be unsafe? people make the coolest diy tanks and this would be awesome looking, but I don’t even know where to start. thanks for any help you can give.
Hi Mary, I would recommend having a tank custom-built to fit inside of the drum if you would like to use it as the shape and “frame”. Most of the specialty tanks you see that that inside of unconventional items have had tanks built to fit into them and give the illusion that the phonebooth/toilet/blender/computer/tv/whatever actually IS the tank. A web search for “custom acrylic aquariums” will bring up a number of companies that specialize in creating aquariums like this and may be able to give you some design advice and quotes.
I am having a hard time finding seasonal ornaments for my aquarium. What can I use to sculpt custom made ornaments and seal them that will be durable and safe for underwater?
Hello Cheryl, I would recommend taking a look through all three parts of this blog for some ideas on materials and pieces you can use. Dishwasher-safe ceramicware and glassware and plastics like Legos can be used as well as fully-cured enamel paints. You can also use decorations like backgrounds or static-cling decorations on the outside of the glass. We also offer Disney Frozen decorations which include an ice castle and Olaf the Snowman. Some aquarists have used clays like Sculpey but their safety is questionable; the Sculpey brand will not endorse that product for aquariums.
From a previous comment reply in May 2015:
I checked on Sculpey’s website and their FAQs page says “While our clays are non-toxic, we have not done any testing on any of the products to be used in aquariums.” Polymer clays are almost like plastic and it looks like a lot of people have used them successfully in snowglobes but it doesn’t look like many have tried using them in aquariums. I would think they’d probably be safe as long as they are fully cured and fired but you’d want to monitor their condition in the tank. The material itself is non-toxic but the durability may be questionable. The Sculpey FAQs page also has a list of their clays by durability; I would definitely go with the most durable clays over the least durable ones to be safe.”
Hi I’m wanting to put some decorative dried twigs inside my fish tank they are already dried out is this safe to do? I went ahead and started soaking them they have been sitting in a tall vase for about 4 years beside my fireplace I thought I’d use them to change the landscape of my tank is this a good idea? Thx☺☺
Hello Janice, I wouldn’t recommend adding any decorative wood that is not specifically sold for aquariums to an aquarium. It is impossible to tell what it may have been treated with or exposed to and many woods will decompose and affect water quality much faster than the driftwoods sold for aquariums. All woods, including aquarium-safe driftwoods – will affect water parameters over time so it is important to consider what type of fish you have and the water parameters they need as well.
I want to actually sculpt my own orniments with Sculpty brand clay to make a tea themed tank. Since I have to glaze the clay anyway, what brand and type of glaze You would advise me to use for oven cured clay?
Hello Heather, I would recommend contacting Sculpey about what glazes are best to use with their products since not all glazes can be used with all clays. Past commenters on this and other blogs in this series have asked about Sculpeys clays and they don’t guarantee that any of their clays are aquarium-safe. That said, enamels are usually safe when fully cured and any dishwasher-safe dishware or ceramics are usually aquarium-safe.
Pop(plaster of Paris) ornaments are good for fish tank and fishes or not…
Hello Sourav, Plaster of Paris is not safe in aquariums. It has a carbonate base and will dissolve over time and will affect the water chemistry.
I made an Asian style clay water fall (air dry clay) painted it with acrylic paint and coated in polymer resin. Can I use anything ells to coat it and make it safe?
Hello Amanda, Air-dry clay is generally not safe in aquariums and will not hold up over time. I do not recommend using unsafe materials, even coated in paints or resins, since any moisture that reaches the material through cracks or holes will affect it.
How would you go about making a cave out of sealant and aquarium gravel? Like to shape it around or over something like a mold. Maybe cover the item with wax paper then start to build around it and then remove the mold and wax paper when the sealant is cured?
Hi Chelsea, There are a number of ways to create the cave, depending on the look you want, the materials you are using and the function for it (as cover for larger fish, decorative and with smaller fish, etc.). The way you mentioned is one way to do it but might have some structural issues in staying up without collapsing , depending on the type of gravel. If you are using larger pieces, you can try piecing it together and building it up; think igloo for smaller rocks or Flintstone house for larger, flat pieces.
For a cave or tunnel with some more structural strength, you can try covering an aquarium-safe base with your gravel or rocks. PVC tubes or terracotta pots make good bases to build on; you can either leave them intact and lay it on its side or you can cut it in half to make an arc (from the tube) or a cave (from the pot). For a structure like this, you can use the silicone as glue to stick each piece on for larger pebbles, or you can cover the piece (or patches of it) in the silicone and either roll it in your gravel or gently press handfuls of your gravel into the silicone.
Some DIY Tutorials for projects like this are on our list of projects-coming-soon, but until then, a Google search for “DIY aquarium cave” will bring up some examples that have used some techniques similar to these.
I’ve had the worst luck with clearomizers. Basically the metal threaded cap that’s attached to the plastic tank has started leaking to some extent. This is the third one. I generally tend to save crap so I tossed em in a box. So my question is, can I use 100% waterproof silicon and run a circle of it on the outside of the tank where it connects at to stop the leaking?
What clay like product can I use to sculpt with and what should I coat it in
Hello Edward, We don’t deal with clearomizers in the aquarium trade. I would recommend contacting the manufacturer of that product or a dealer that handles those specifically.
Hello Amanda, I would recommend reading through the three parts of this blog series for ideas. Fired pottery without decorative glazes are generally safe, as are product considered Dishwasher Safe and Food Safe.
I’m working on a kitchen theemed tank, but the only decent looking model furniture I can find for it is made of wood. Plastic furniture is always in weird colours so I’m not sure I’d like to use it. Is there any way to make wooden toy furniture safe for tank use? Any sort of sealant?
Hello Chesh, I do not recommend using unsafe materials, even coated in paints or resins, since any moisture that reaches the material through cracks or holes will affect it. It is also difficult to tell with that type of furniture if it has been treated or painted with paints, dyes or glues that wouldn’t hold up underwater. Try looking for ceramic or glass pieces. I did a quick search for “ceramic dollhouse furniture” and it is certainly out there online…just make sure that any pieces you find are fired and that the decoration is permanent. The seller should be able to provide you with information on the materials and durability.
I was wondering if I could use a glazed ceramic cup
Hello Bswarth, Is the ceramic cup dishwasher-safe? As we discussed in the “Dishware and Pottery section” here and in Part 2, if it is dishwasher-safe, it is usually safe for your tank. If it isn’t, I would avoid it since it likely as a more delicate glaze that may not hold up.
Hi Eileen, I would like to put about 30 pounds of limestone in a 108 gallon planted tank. As I am sure you know, this is sure to raise the pH. What would be the best way to seal these rocks to avoid this. Thank you, Joe
Hi Joe, I wouldn’t add limestone to that tank. It would be much safer to add an inert rock that isn’t going to affect your water chemistry. I do not recommend using unsafe materials, even coated in paints or resins, since any moisture that reaches the material through cracks or holes will affect it.
Wow! I finally got here. That is a great post and there is much to be learnt from the comments. Eileen you truly know your stuff. I have a question. I have a 200L (52 gallon?) planted fresh water tank with around 80 fish, the largest being 2 clown loach. When planting new cuttings and bunched plants could I use paper to help secure them under the substrate (provided its unbleached of course) as l my 2 loach have a habit of digging out any thing new I plant.
Hi William, Thank you, glad you enjoyed this post! I haven’t had any experience using paper under the substrate and cant seem to find any other experiences with it. I don’t think that the paper or paper towels would do any harm themselves but I would be a bit concerned with it trapping debris underneath and not allowing gases to diffuse safely. That could lead to some water chemistry issues as it builds up that would be very dangerous to your fish and plants. Loaches will dig…that’s just what they do…and a 200L tank is pretty small for them especially as they approach full grown (and without knowing what the other fish are, 80 fish total for that size tank is pretty crowded). Rather than the paper, I might try planting the plants through some netting. You could sacrifice a net and cut the mesh out of it or use pond surface netting and cut an X or a hole in it to put the plants through, then cover the top of the netting with substrate; just be sure that the size of the hole is adjusted as the plants grow. I wouldn’t cover the entire tank with the netting, but maybe just about a 6-inch diameter so around the base of each plant.
Thank you for the advice. I wasn’t too sure so I thought I would ask someone of better experience. I wouldn’t worry about my clown loach, all my other fish are nothing more than tetra’s. While they cluster to the middle and top the 2 loach (fully grown – 6 years old) have the run of the bottom of the tank. With the tank being 5ft long by 2ft high there is around 2-3 inches between fish at all times. Just as a final side note, I do give my loach cucumber weekly and it does seem to curb their digging nature but you quickly find out when they have eaten it all.
And I like the idea of the netting but is there something which is natural and would slowly degrade and add to the ecology of the tank?
Hi William, I’m not familiar with any materials like that that would be safe in aquariums and not affect the water quality. I’d recommend trying the forums on a planted aquarium site to see if other hobbyists have tried anything similar. Since I see you are in the UK and your availability may be different than what we have here in the US, a site like the UK Aquatic Plant Society might be a good place to start.
I’ve built a Styrofoam background for my 75g tank. I used sanded grout instead of cement because of the color pallet available. Grout has roughly the same characteristics as cement but was wondering if I should seal it before adding it to the tank. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
Hello Len, I spoke with another biologist here who has more experience using grout and cement in tank backgrounds. With any cements and grouts, you will run the risk of the material leaching into the water and affecting the water chemistry by buffering the hardness and raising the pH very high. He recommends that you soak the background in water and monitor the pH during that time to see any effect that the background has on it. If it does affect the pH, you will need to continue soaking the background and changing the water often until all of that material is leached out and the pH stabilizes which could take several weeks to a few months. If this tank is saltwater or hard/high pH freshwater (like an African cichlid tank), these effects might not be as critical. If this is for a soft water or lower pH freshwater tank, it may be nearly impossible to get this into a safe hardness and pH range for those fish and you may be better off starting over with a more pH-friendly material like DryLok, a latex-based waterproof concrete that can be tinted with concrete stains or latex hobby paint. We have a large goldfish display tank here with a stump centerpiece that was created using this method. Any cements or grouts are virtually impossible to seal otherwise.
Hi I want to paint some glow in the dark powder onto some plastic inflatables any recommendations on a waterproof flexible clear coat to use to mix glow powder with? This is for a big nighttime outdoor glow in the dark underwater fish exhibit with floating inflatables of whales, sharks, sea turtles, ect. which will be displayed in a salt water bay which is connected to the ocean where people can kayak and paddle board and boat around at night with glowing sea creatures. So we need durable flexible water proof non toxic clear coat we can mix with the glow powder to put on these big inflatable fish so they glow.
Hello Sandy, I’m not familiar with any products that we’ve used that would still be flexible for that application. Latex paints might work if you can find a clear latex but I’m not sure how that would work with the powder you mention. Since it sounds like you are using these “in the wild” as opposed to an aquarium like we discuss on this blog, you would also want to make certain everything you use is environmentally-friendly as well. I would recommend contacting a paint company like Krylon to see what they would recommend for that use.
I bought a new ceramic pot you can put flower in. it looks like the glaze is baked on. can it go into a fresh water aquarium?
Hello Nancy, Some decorative glazes are not durable enough to hold up in an aquarium. If the pot is dishwasher-safe, it is probably aquarium safe. To check its durability, you can soak it in water similar to your aquarium conditions for a length of time and test for any changes in pH or water hardness or in the condition of the pot and glaze.
Do you have any suggestions on what I could use to weigh down legos in a tank? I was thinking of filling them with aquarium safe silicone, but I’m not sure. I just want to drop a bunch in like aquarium rocks. I don’t want to build them in there.
Hi Danielle, Have you tried dropping them in to see if they sink on their own (making sure there are not bubbles trapped underneath, of course)? The silicone could work as long as you let it cure fully. Depending on the size of the pieces, you could also try gluing small pieces of gravel inside of them…any cyanoacrylate glue like Krazy Glue would work for that.
Hi everyone!!!! I am so glad I found you guys cause I have a ton of questions. Ever since I got hooked on “TANKED” I have been fascinated by the way they incorporate figures inside the rich tank as props. Now, I would really love a full blown explanation on a couple of things, if you may be so kind….The first is, I would like to place inside a 75 gallon tank KISS figurines, but I need to know if I spray the figurine with clear coat enamel:
A.) which is the BEST kind of clear coat enamel and should it be sprayed, hand brushed, and how long does it need to “cure”;
B.) If the figure is completely made of plastic, is the enamel enough and how many coats?
C.) if the figure itself is plastic but the clothing is made of fabric, do I need to spray the clothing with soething other than enamel (I ask, because on an episode of TANKED, they covered Jeff Dunhams figurines with resin which made the material hard, and I am aware that they did this to clog up the pores and then use it as a mold) but would this same principle be applied (the clogging of pores on the clothing material) as to then seal with enamel?
D.) Assuming that all these details have worked and the figurines are in the fish tank, would I need to eventually re-spray the dolls/fighurines
E.) on another note, I have used Thompsons Water Seal on wood to protect it from water, could I use Thompsons water seal instead of enamel or as a primer before using enamel to ensure the seal.
I really hope you can help me out here cause if I can make that fish tank look the way I’m imagining it will, its gonna look killer and I promise to post the pictures 🙂
Hi Arnold, I’ll do my best to cover all of your questions for you…
A) The “best” is a matter of personal preference and the time to cure would depend on the brand, the thickness of your coat, temperature and humidity in your area and other factors. Definitely follow the manufacturers’ directions and allow the piece to cure for AT LEAST as long as they recommend, if not longer. We’ve used Krylon products here with good success (especially for larger areas) but clear model enamel or nail polish works as well for small touch-ups. I prefer several light coats of spray personally rather than hand-brushing that can leave small pores or bubbles. Whatever method you use, I recommend doing multiple layers and avoid very heavy layers to get the best coverage and even curing.
B)The enamel is usually plenty. If it is plastic and only plastic, even the enamel may not be 100% necessary but if the plastic has any kind of decals or coloring, the enamle will help protect it. As I already mentioned in (A), several light coats will protect better than one thick one.
C)I don’t recommend using fabric at all, coated or not. It won’t hold up as well and gives a good foothold for algae and other debris to cling to. I don’t watch or agree with many of the things that are done on Tanked so I can’t speak to what they did on that show.
D)Possibly. It depends on the material and water conditions. If the tank reaches any extremes in pH, temperature, Ammonia or has fish that nibble at the decorations, they may need touchups. Also, lighting may affect the colors. Keep an eye on everything you put in and make it a part of your regular maintenance to check the durability of the pieces.
E)That would be a better question for Thompsons directly. Sealants like that may have chemicals that can leach into the water and affect the chemistry and health of the tank. My general rule-of-thumb is that if it is safe for potable use (to drink or eat off of) or dishwasher-safe (for durability), it is probably aquarium safe. If you wouldn’t coat your coffee cup in Thompsons Water Seal to drink out of, don’t make your fish do the same.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
Eileen, your help has been amazing and you’ve made my day 🙂 I thank you so much for all of your help.
It will take me some time, but I promise to send you pictures of my project.
Thanks and take care!
You’re welcome, Arnold. Have fun with it!!
Do you know of any 3d printer materials that are aquarium safe?
I’m looking to do an astronaut helmet for my Dr. Who tank, but can’t find one anywhere that’s aquarium safe.
Hello Yenni, Going for The Impossible Astronaut look? Great episode. As for the materials…that is difficult to answer without knowing what specific materials the printer is using. Not all 3D printers use the same material. Depending on the scale you are going for, you could try using Lego figurines (tons of astronauts there), or you could create your own with a glass or plastic globe (fish bowls, light fixtures, planters…check your local craft or hardware stores) and aquarium-safe paints like enamel. River’s helmet wasn’t too complex…white paint for the helmet and smokey silver-grey paint for the visor.
If I wanted to build my own small “swamp home” for my aquarium, what type of wood is my best bet to be used for build to make it aquarium safe?
Trying to make a bayou themed aquarium.
Hello Chase, Are you creating a freshwater or saltwater aquarium? What pH and water hardness are you trying to maintain? What types of fish and other livestock are you looking to keep? Any type of wood will affect the water conditions over time and are not suitable for all types of aquariums. African Mopani wood is the most common kind of “driftwood” available for aquariums or you can look for artificial ornaments like these by Design Elements and Exotic Environments. Check around some reptile supplies as well; a background like this mangrove background may help with the look you are going for.
It’s for a crawfish tank that has ghost shrimp, tetras and snails. Crawfish is the main focus everyone else is there will probably turn into a snack at some point. But what I meant by wood is wood to actually
Build a small house. Thanks for the reply!
You’re welcome, Chase. Mopani should be fine in a crawfish aquarium and you may be able to find some that you can cut apart to build your house. You could also try stones like petrified wood or slate. Have fun building!
Hi Eileen please help if possible, I have 50+ lbs seiryu stone I’m trying to put in my tank. I used a grinder and flattened as much of the “bottom” of the stone as I could. But its still top heavy. I want to use an epoxy. I’m very familiar with commercial injection resins. So my question is what is in epoxies that would make them unsafe, and I have an epoxy called SPLASH ZONE, by Pettit. Its an underwater marine epoxy used in commercial construction. Have you ever heard of it being used in an aquarium does it work.
Thank you.
Hello Daniel, I’m not familiar with that product. Your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer of it directly for their suitability. A marine epoxy should be safe underwater but given the confined conditions of an aquarium, there may be complications. I see on the website for that product that it does say it is “not for use in potable water”. Given that restriction, I would be extremely hesitant to use it in an aquarium.
Thank you, I noticed you recommended Drylok concrete. Wasvthat the Drylok concrete patch? Could I use that to buildup the bottom of this stone to create a foundation?
Hello Daniel, You could use Drylok to build up a base, just be certain that it is fully cured before going into the aquarium. Concrete like that can also effect water chemistry so depending on what parameters you are trying to stay within – especially for pH and hardness – you may have some issues with using a concrete.
Hi! If this is still active and it’s not too much trouble, I have a question.
I’m trying to make a Spock, Kirk, and McCoy set to put in my aquarium. I’m trying to find relatively inexpensive way to make them explore my freshwater ‘world’. I’m having trouble finding legos to use, so I’m thinking maybe doing clothespin dolls, and wrapping them with embroidery thread, then sealing them with clear nail polish or enamel or superglue or something. Do you think this might work, or should I keep looking?
Hi Erica, Sounds like a fun tank! I would stay away from embroidery thread…fabrics like that usually don’t hold up too well underwater and those surfaces are hard to clean and make good algae-growing surfaces. If you want Lego figures, try looking online. I found Star Trek men on, CustomBricks and a few other sites on a quick search. Some action figures are safe as well; just look for ones without metal parts in the joints. I found action figures listed on and Amazon as well. Good luck!
Thanks for the advice. I’ll definitely check out the Lego link. I’ve been having trouble finding action figures and such that are under $20, for some reason.
I have some small glazed ceramic pieces, would those be okay to but in my beta fish’s bowl?
Hello Brit, It would depend on the durability of the glaze used. If it is a food-safe or dishwasher-safe glaze (inside and out), it is likely safe for your aquarium. If it is a more delicate decorative glaze, likely not.
Glofish have GloFish Create Your Own Aquarium Background, but I can’t find it anywhere! It’s a black background that you draw on with markers. You can erase it and draw a new background. I was wondering what type of markers they would be using and what type of black background?
Hi Crystal, That isn’t a product that we sell so I don’t have any information on it. I would recommend visiting the GloFish website ( and contacting them with you question. It would have to be some kind of fluorescent ink to glow under the lights but I don’t know what type of ink base they are using to be erasable. You could try experimenting with some type of laminated material and markers or paints.
Hi I wish to create my own statue for a friends fish tank as he wants something specific but can’t find it online I was wondering if I was to make it myself from clay and fire it will it be fine for his fish tank ?
Hi Karlee,
Thanks for commenting. We would probably caution against using that…it would be hard to know if any chemicals or properties in the clay would be a problem for your aquarium inhabitants. Sorry thats not a definitive answer, but it’s probably better to be safe than sorry! Thanks!
I found this article in a google search on “fish safe decorations”, I know it is from 2014 but it looks like people are still replying to it in 2016. so I have a question!
Cement? Just plain cement. Except, molded into shapes. Not necessarily painted. And then let cure for whatever the recommended time is (I haven’t read on the bag)
Hi Kayla, We have answers! ….kind of. Cement can be tricky. With any cements and grouts, you will run the risk of the material leaching into the water and affecting the water chemistry by buffering the hardness and raising the pH very high. You would need to soak the piece in water and monitor the pH during that time to see any effect that the piece has on it. If it does affect the pH, you will need to continue soaking the piece and changing the water often until all of that material is leached out and the pH stabilizes which could take several weeks to a few months. If this tank is saltwater or hard/high pH freshwater (like an African cichlid tank), these effects might not be as critical. If this is for a soft water or lower pH freshwater tank, it may be nearly impossible to get this into a safe hardness and pH range for those fish and you may be better off starting over with a more pH-friendly material like DryLok, a latex-based waterproof concrete that can be tinted with concrete stains or latex hobby paint. We have a large goldfish display tank here with a stump centerpiece that was created using this method. Any cements or grouts are virtually impossible to seal otherwise.
Hi I’ve used a fabric liner on a rock to put a message on. Can i use it as a decoration in my tank or will it kill my fish?
Hello Munz, I’m not sure what you are referring to as a “fabric liner”. Did you attach fabric to a rock, or is this a type of paint or glue that you used?
Hi, can anybody give me a firm answer on which paints i can use in my new freshwater aquarium for ornament decoration, i keep seeing use non toxic fish safe but no-one specifies a manufacturer or brand!
PS i’m in the UK.
any help would be appreciated.
Hello slinky, We are located in the United States and I don’t have any information on brands available in the UK. You can use the guidelines in the Paint section of this blog as well as in Part 2 of this blog series to help you with shopping for suitable paints in your area.
Hi! I really loved your blog! I just got a new Betta girl and was hoping to put some Halloween decorations from michaels in her tank. Any suggestions?
Hi Claire, Glad you are enjoying it! Michaels has some great decorations but definitely make sure to avoid anything with glitter and rinse off anything you do try very, very well to get rid of anything that might be sticking to it (I know how fond they are of putting glitter on everything!). Glassware and anything food-safe or dishwasher-safe should be good. Most plastics should be OK as long as any decoration isn’t a sticker. Be careful with other ceramics since decorative glazes may not be strong enough to hold up underwater and definitely avoid any florals (artificial or otherwise) and feathers. Have fun!
Hi I was wanting to make buildings and possibly put some kind of underwater lights in them. I would like to know what you recommend to make the buildings out of. Do you have a list of safe materials we could consider to use and any recommendations on lights? I was thinking the cement stuff would be to heavy for what I’m wanting to build thanks in advance.
Hello Anonymous, Underwater LED lighting would be the safest choice. There are a number of underwater lighting options available. Most are for ponds but products like this one for aquariums specifically are also available. I wouldn’t be able to provide a complete list of materials suitable for underwater use beyond what we discussed in all three parts of this blog.
What would you recommend for painting a **LIVE** fresh water clam shell ?
I want to paint gold with plastic gems and small pearl beads {the arts & crafts string pearl beads}
they are golden clams the reason i want to paint gold with pearls and gems XD
Hello Jennifer, I wouldn’t recommend decorating a live animal. Aside from the physical effects on its shell, the added weight and change to its shape will affect how well it can move.
I want to use some kind of string to anchor a floating decoration. What kind of string is safe to use in my aquarium?
Hello Sue, Fishing line would be a good choice for that type of use.
What is the best way to make outdoor rocks safe for an aquarium
Hi Joe, That would depend on the type of rock. I generally don’t recommend adding most rocks taken from the “wild” to your aquarium since it is impossible to tell what they may have been exposed to over time that might leach into your aquarium. Also, some types of rocks and minerals will affect water chemistry by raising or lowering pH or water hardness.
I am building a 500 gallon bait tank out of a galvanized metal tank it needs to be painted I plan on sending it I am just wondering if powder coat is a good option that will not kill my fish
i have converted and old indoor hot tub into a pond but it is white and want to coat the inside with a colored rubber or even a pebble apoxy but of course want to be sure it is fish safe and hold up under water.
Hello Tracy, Maritime paints are usually safe as long as they don’t contain any extra chemicals like algacides as are many epoxies. Looking for paints that are rated as safe for potable water is usually your best bet and contacting the paint manufacturer would be the best way to check if it is safe. Most won’t be able to tell you if it is fish safe, but if it is safe for potable (drinking) water, it should be fish-safe. Using a recycled hot tub or swimming pool is always enormously risky even if repainting or coating because of chemicals that may have been used in it over time.
Hello Ben, Metal is always very risky to use as a fish tank or pond. Even if coated, galvanized metal can rust over time. It may last longer than other types of metal, but it can still rust depending on the composition and even the smallest cracks in the coating can lead to leaching down to the metal and back into the tank. In general, for any paints and coatings used for fish tanks, your best bet would be to contact the manufacturer about its safety. Most won’t be able to tell you if it is fish safe, but if it is safe for potable (drinking) water, it should be fish-safe.
How do I make a pair of sneakers safe to go in my 200 gallon I’ve seen it done on tanked??
Hello Tye, I wouldn’t recommend using sneakers in an aquarium. The materials used in sneakers aren’t aquarium-safe and would break down under some water conditions and no coatings or coverings will 100% guarantee that moisture would not reach the sneakers. You can contact the Tanked staff for more information on what they did to the shoes before using them but I would disagree with using them at all in an aquarium.
Can I use a laminated sign in my tank?
Hi Ashlie, A laminated sign is usually fine as a background but I wouldn’t recommend using it completely submerged underwater…water tends to be able to be able to seep within the lamination over time. It will usually last longer if you double-laminate it (laminate it once, cut it out with a laminated seam around the edge, laminate it again and repeat) but it may not last over a long period of time.
Hello Eileen, thanks for all of the info, it has been invaluable. I do have a follow-on question from an answer provided back in March 2016. The answer stated using “DryLok, a latex-based waterproof concrete”
Do you mean DryLok Fast Plug? It is the only concrete that I see, and it doesn’t state it is latex. Just wanted to make sure.
Thanks for all your help!
Hello David, Glad this information has been helpful to you! The DryLok we are referring to here is the Latex formula of Drylok. It is not concrete, but has some sand in the mix. This is what gives it a textured finish, and hides all of the foam used to create such structures. ( ) The drylok can be tinted, or can be painted over once cured. It is used over foam to give it strength and protect it. The Drylok fast plug, is hydrolic concrete, that is used to fill cracks and holes in concrete walls or floors, this sets fast and expands a little as it sets to seal holes.
Hi everyone! My name is Cat, and I am brand new to blogging as well as to this blog.
I am trying to inquire as to whether I can use NEON NAIL POLISH, (or any colored nail polish) on a set of artificial coral aquarium decorations that I have had for a while to enhance the color of them. According to what I have read already, it says that CLEAR nail polish is safe for a freshwater fishtank use.
I am always redecorating my tanks and changing them up especially for the holidays. I bought some different colored “black light” neon colored grasses to add to them, but I’m wanting to wait for some feedback from y’all.
Would someone be kind enough as to let me know if that would be safe?
Thanks very much,
Hi Cat, Yes, you can use nail polish in an aquarium! We’ve use it at our store to create custom number plugs inside of saltwater systems. We’ve found that the color tends to fade over time but any enamel paint like nail polish or enamel model paint is safe and fairly durable once it has cured and dried completely.
Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it!
I just received a couple of petco aquarium pieces for Christmas and the glaze is crazed. Moreso on one than the other. Is it safe to use? Thanks!
Hello Bernadette, Do you know what they are made out of, or do they have any warnings on them against use if broken or underwater? If they were sold as actual aquarium ornaments, they should still be fine to use even with small cracks, but you may want to check with Petco or with the ornament manufacturer to be sure.
They’re ceramic, that’s all I know. But they were sold as actual aquarium ornaments. I’ll try and find the manufacturer to contact them. Thanks! I appreciate your help!!
I have used sculpy for years in my tank. just make sure it is baked correctly
Hi, I had a couple of questions that I didn’t read anywhere else.
I have a 40 gallon tank for my red eared slider turtle and I’m trying to make him a cave to hide in. Would a new Folgers plastic jar be okay? I know you said no decals but I can’t figure out how to get these off, so maybe they won’t hurt?
Also, I was hoping to hang something and wanted to use twine. Is that suitable, it might get a little wet, not sure how much. Thanks in advance. I really enjoyed reading all your Q&As.
Hi Rebecca, Glad you are enjoying the thread…everyone keeps coming up with lots of new ideas to try! The plastic container itself should be fine. I would remove the label first though. Without seeing it, its hard to say the best way to remove it since the different brands use different types (and I’m a K-cup user myself) but you can try Google for some different methods. I did a quick search and found this method for removing difficult labels or this one for removing printed-on labels. An unglazed terra cotta pot like this one from Michael’s are also good for making caves as are plain PVC pipes…we use tons of PVC tubes in our retail store tanks here.
Any twine make with natural fibers might be risky. If it gets wet, it may weaken or stretch over time. Depending what you are tying and where, you could try a monofilament like fishing line…its strong, can hold up underwater and us usually transparent. A lot of aquarium decor like these floating rocks use nylon line to hold them in place.
Hope that helps!
Do you have any experience with building tunnels out of PVC covered with fiberglass resin or body fillers like Bondo to create a log look finish?
Hi Bob, Resin is usually safe once it is fully cured and as long as it is very well-mixed. If it isn’t mixed properly, it won’t fully cure but once it is allowed to completely cured, it should be safe for the aquarium.
I was browsing through your website and noticed that there were a lot of questions regarding fish friendly material for inside the aquariums. I am making my own 3D Rock background for my 85 gal aquarium. I watched a lot of videos to get some ideas and then did my own research on what material should be used and what should not be used. For the rock formations you want to use the standard white styrofoam or insulfoam available at Home Depot or Lowes. To glue the pieces together you want to use an aquarium safe silicone and nothing’s a little pricey but it’s called aquarium safe for a reason. The other 100% silicones that are out there are sealants only and are not mention to be submerged in water or may have a mold inhibited which WILL KILL your fresh, some of them will even tell you in fine print ( not for use in aquariums). These silicones may also after awhile break down when submerged in water. I then coated my styrofoam with Laticrete thin set mortar.( 3 light coats ) It’s a product used in pools and once cured ( in 2 weeks ) is safe , as per my confirmation with the manufacture themselves. Then I will seal it with an enamel clear coat to keep the colors from fading. Let’s do it right the first time. Hope this has been helpful to you fellow diy’s
Hello Anonymous, Thank you for sharing. Using styrofoam to create a background can be very effective if done properly and with the correct materials.
Hi, My son and I are trying to diy some tank dividers for freshwater aquariums (bettas). My question is this: I got a hold of a large vinyl banner (printed for ikea) that I would like to use. While I can find reams of information on rigid vinyl I have not been able to locate any information on whether or not a vinyl banner material would be safe. Would you happen to know and or have any information on this?
I’m getting ready to set up a small 10 gallon tank. The pieces I would like to use are novelties in my room. I was wondering would Clear “FlexSeal” the rubber sealant they are advising on TV work to make them fish safe? Fresh water tank
Great post.. I’ve been doing research I want to make a model car themed aquarium using plastic models. When I asked on other groups I get mixed answers. Do you think plastic model cars would be safe once cleaned using aquarium glue to put them together? They make color molded cars or I could use safe paint what would be best? Thank you for your time.
Great post… Do you think plastic model cars would be safe? I’ve been told the plastic will leak toxins into the water. Thank you for your time
Hi David, Glad you are enjoying this post! Plastic is usually safe and should be fine in an aquarium as long as there are no metal parts like the wheel axils. For paints, enamel paints like nail polish or model paints are safe once they are completely cured and dried. I would avoid any stickers or decals. Good luck!
Hi Alicia, I don’t have any experience using it in aquariums personally, but according to the FAQs section of the FlexSeal website (, they claim the FlexSeal Liquid is safe for fish and plants. They do not recommend using FlexSeal Aerosol for use on containers for drinking water so I wouldn’t recommend using it in your aquarium. The FlexShot states that it has not been tested for safety with potable (drinkable) liquids and it does state that it contains a mildew fungicide so I would NOT recommend using that in an aquarium.
Hi Jacqueline, That’s a new one…I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone trying that material before! From what I’ve been able to find, I’d say it would depend on the specific material and manufacturer. There seems to be a very wide range of materials used to make banner material like that and I wouldn’t consider some of them to be safe. Aside from the material itself, I would be concerned about the material blocking water flow as well. How large is the tank you are trying to divide? If it isn’t extremely large, you could try plastic canvas like this product from Michael’s crafts. It is usually in the yarn/needlepoint section and is pretty cheap, easy to cut, available in lots of colors and safe in fish tanks. We actually used clear sheets to create floating lids in our retail store. Since it does float, you would have to weigh it down or anchor it in your tank to create a divider but it would be easy to use and still allow plenty of water flow.
Thank you so much for your response, Eileen. I greatly appreciate a more professional opinion based in knowledge. As for our dividers – I continued trying to research and all I could find had me concluding its safety would be highly questionable. So I went out yesterday and purchased craft mesh which I have managed to fashion into dividers that in the end I am quite pleased with… as are our fish 🙂 bettas – 3 divided tanks (1 x 15 gallon; 2 x 20 gallon long)
🙂 Sincerely,
Glad you found something that worked for you, Jacqueline. That plastic canvas craft mesh is some wonderfully versatile stuff for aquariums!
Hello, I am a saltwater enthusiast, and also a musician. I am creating a music room, and want to put a tall tank in the corner. Is there any way that I could put one of my old clarinets in it?
Hi Ben, Interesting idea…I used to play clarinet myself. If you can find a completely plastic or glass clarinet, it would be safe but I wouldn’t add one that has any metal in the keys or with a wooden body; it wouldn’t hold up underwater and would start to rust or decompose, even if laquered or coated. Saltwater tanks with live rock especially would also lead to any surfaces becoming encrusted with coralline algae. If you find an image you like, you could use it as a background for the tank or look for something like a latex decal for the front of the tank to get some musical details onto the tank.
Hello,my name is kim.I wish to make an enquiry about a little project I’m conducting.I’m trying to build a self sustaining aquarium using an old rusted wheelbarrow
I have already painted it using a black paint commonly used to prevent rusting of metals.Is it safe to continue or should I add something else to ensure my fishes safety?
Hello Kim, I see that you’ve asked a similar question on two of our blogs so I’ll add this reply to both. As we discussed in both blogs, metal is not safe and nothing will make an unsafe material 100% safe for fish. You can try using a pond liner or coating the wheelbarrow in a fish-safe material like the FlexSeal Liquid discussed in a previous comment but keep in mind that any moisture that reaches the metal can cause it to leach into the water. Rusted metal will also because structurally unsafe over time and can collapse or become too weak to hold water.
I found a cool garden gnome, and i am wondering if its safe for my aquarium?
Hello Anonymous, It would depend on what the gnome is made out of. I would recommend figuring out what the material is and reading through this blog and the other 2 blogs in this series to see if it is a safe material for your tank. You can also test it in a bucket of water with similar conditions as your tank and see how it holds up as we discussed in this series.
Hey i had this idea of getting aquarium safe glow in the dark pebbles to glue them together and make a cave out of them. What kind of glue should i use that will be able to keep the pebbles together and still be safe for my fish?
Hello Victoria, Silicone, cyanoacrylate glues like “KrazyGlue”, epoxy or a hot glue gun are all aquarium-safe adhesives as we discussed in this article.
I am making some decorations that i will need to paint because so many different options this makes me
Nervous the material is plastic so i safest i could think and legos, I was here looking for a sealer for the paint so it lasts longer and is safer, if i used the nsil polish even if if fades a bit i shouldn’t have a problem but can i keep reapplying the nail polish to save the paint and if so how often you think so and how long should i wait until i put it back in to the tank i bought valsper devine color glossy color it says stands up to the elements and protects against rust paint couldn’t find the kryslon in the color I wanted
Hello Eva, Any enamel paint like nail polish should be completely dried and cured before putting it back into the tank. Depending on the humidity and the thickness of your coat, this could take an hour or a day or two.
Hey. I’ve got my heart set on using a small cured animal skull in my freshwater tank, and some lousy plastic one just won’t do. The skull has been cleansed completely naturally, with no harsh chemicals. What is going to be my safest bet for sealing it as completely as possible? Is this at all possible? If there are leaks and cracks, what effects will clean bone have on my water parameters?
Hi Alex, As we discussed in this blog series, there is nothing that will make an unsafe material 100% safe for an aquarium. Any organic material like bone can affect the water quality. Over time, the calcium in the bone will dissolve and any material in the bone like marrow will decompose and affect the water quality. Materials like spray enamel can help protect surfaces but moisture can leach in over time and cause issues. Depending on what type of skull you are looking for, you may be able to find a polyresin model with a more realistic appearance than a plastic one that would be safe for your aquarium.
I have purchased fake coral ornaments from Petsmart that has faded within a year. Can the use of a clear coat sprayed onto a newly purchased coral ornament preserve the colors and prevent fading?
Hello Joe, A clear enamel will help protect the ornament but the fading is usually cause by the light and the enamel may not help that issue if the lights are very intense or if the ornament and its coloring is of a lower quality. You can try looking for a clear enamel spray with UV protection which may help the color hold up to intense light conditions.
Hello Eileen:
For future reference would it be best to use some kind of sealant to protect my ornaments, like silicone or rubber?
Hello Dee, It would depend on what the ornament is made of. If it is a safe material for the aquarium and you’d like to give it an extra coat for protection, several coats of a clear spray enamel has been the best in my experience. Silicone would work as well but in my experience, is thicker and not as clear.
Hi Eileen,
I am building a tank and I wanted decorate it for my mom’s birthday. She loves Jack Daniels and I wanted to know is there any way that I can put the bottle in the tank without the label coming off. Thank you so much in advance for any and all of your time
Hi Michelle, If the bottle has a paper label, there is really no way to preserve it underwater without the risk of damage. Even coating it in enamel or another material can break down over time and wouldn’t keep it safe permanently. There are other ways that would be safer and more durable in the longrun. You could use the label graphic as a background for the tank by printing it out and having it laminated for durability, use a vinyl decal on the front of the tank, use the glass bottle as a tank decoration (you could use sand or a colored liquid inside the sealed bottle to look like whiskey), or use a shotglass or tumbler with the logo in the tank (general rule that we discussed in these blogs a lot….if its dishwasher safe, its probably aquarium safe). Good luck, and have fun designing!
Hi, I 3D printed a decoration for my aquarium from ABS. I can’t get it to sink. Do you have any recommendations?
Hello Hope, If the decoration is hollow, you could fill it with substrate or another material to weigh it down. You could also mount it on a flat aquarium-safe base and bury the base under some substrate to hold it down.
I’m absolutely LOVING all these ideas!
I finally got a 55 gallon tank after years of dreaming! We have a few small fish so far and looking forward to getting some Glo fish in a couple weeks too. I have 3 kids who share my passion for a super fun Glo tank!
I really want to decorate some safe items (like glass or sculpey clay hideouts) with glow paint of some kind. Do you know any safe paint of any kind that will react under the black lights like the Glo plants do? Then I would seal with safe clear coats that have been mentioned.
I’ll also be making a glowing background for the outside of the tank with my kids handprints as glowing fish!
Me and my kids thank you a million for your help .
Hello Amanda, I’m glad you are enjoying this blog series! Like we discussed here, enamel paints are usually the safest in aquariums. You can use nail polishes, enamel model paints or spray paints. For the neon backgrounds on our GloFish tanks, we used flourescent spraypaints like those pictured in Part Two of this blog series. Have fun!
I am currently in Thailand,
And have come across some amazing Buddha ornaments, I would just love to buy one and put it in my fresh water tank. Is it safe ??
Hello Chloe, It would depend on what the ornaments are made out of and what type of paint or decoration is used on them as we discussed above. I would find out as much information as possible from the seller or manufacturer or test the ornaments in conditions similar to your aquarium for a few weeks before trying them in your tank.
Do you now of any type of wood I could use to make my decoration pieces.
Hello Anonymous, It would depend on what type of tank you have and the water parameters of it (freshwater, saltwater, high pH, low pH, etc). Driftwood and Mopani wood like the items listed on our website would be safe for most freshwater aquariums but may not hold up in some tanks or in saltwater, and using found wood like that you might find in a forest or hardware store is not usually a good idea.
Hi Eileen, thanks for the article! I’m in the process of setting up a new freshwater shrimp tank, and wanted to do it “the lost world” themed. With rocks, wood, carpet moss, and a piece of “dinosaur skull”. I bought a resin model online and it has just arrived (putting the link below). It looks really cool and impressive, but it really stinks! It came from China, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad quality. I’m not sure what I should do to make it safe for the aquarium, particularly shrimps? I’m currently soaking it in a pail of tap water, but after about 12 hours, it’s still smelling really bad. The paint doesn’t seem to be coming off though, it’s really just the smell. The tank will be a neutral pH, room temperature, freshwater set-up (using de-chlorinated tap water). Appreciate your advice, thanks!
Hi Susan, That ornament appears to be aquarium-safe according to the website you sent but it is unusual for a resin ornament to smell. If you can contact the seller, I would recommend asking them about the issue with the scent. You can also try putting the ornament through the dishwasher if you have one or soak it in hot (not boiling) water for awhile to see if it holds up before using it in your aquarium. If it doesn’t hold up or is still dubious, we do have a T-Rex Skull and a Buffalo Skull through our store that might fit your theme and would definitely be safe. They are sold by a reptile supply company as hideaways but I just checked them out in our stock and they would be perfectly fine as aquarium ornaments as well. The Buffalo Skull is a little smaller but the T-Rex Skull is similar to the dimensions on your link.
Hi Eileen, great thread, many thanks to you and the other commenters for an informative discussion! Just wondering about marble? Don’t see that mentioned here anywhere. I have a beautiful pure white marble figurine which would be beautiful in my tank, if it’s safe. Any thoughts? Thank you for your guidance!
Hi Beth, Glad you are enjoying the post! Marble is a relatively soft rock usually made of limestone (if it is true, pure marble). Limestone will dissolve when put in an acidic environment and may affect the pH of the tank, plus any polishes that were used on the figurine may not be safe. You can try dripping a few drops of vinegar onto somewhere inconspicuous and seeing how it reacts since vinegar is acidic but I’d personally err on caution and keep the figurine out of the tank (especially if its a small tank or has a lower pH).
I bought a decoration from a pet store specifically made for aquariums. Once I got it home, I realized it’s a little too tall. It’s made out of that “fake rock” type substance and appears to be painted. My question is if I cut it, do I need to treat the cut surface. I suspect the cut side will be on the bottom at or under the gravel line, but not sure if I should try to pain with nail polish or acrylic paint to make sure it is “sealed” If I do paint with nail polish or acrylic paint, can you recommend how long I have to wait to cure?
Hello Jim, If you know the manufacturer of the decoration, I would recommend contacting them with that question. If it is made for the aquarium, it should be fine if broken or cut unless noted otherwise. The time that enamel paint takes to cure would depend on the material and humidity but to be safe, I would wait 24 hours at least. Also, make sure that there are no sharp edges left behind after it is cut.
Hi Eileen- thank you for your feedback, insight, and commitment to this community! This site is just awesome.
I had a fun idea to try and get a custom figurine made (of my boss) for our large aquarium at work. It would be even MORE awesome if I could find a custom option that looks like him, holding a trident. haha
Do you have any recommendations for where to go, or what I should be looking for in order to safely seal such a thing?
Hi Paul, Glad you are enjoying our blog! Custom pieces like that can be tricky to find but would be pretty cool if you could locate one! For something that custom and specific, you may have to get creative. Our old Dishwasher Rule will come in here again…if the piece you chose is dishwasher safe, it’ll probably be aquarium-safe. Do you have any paint-your-own-pottery places in your area? Many of those places fire their pieces in a kiln and the finished pieces are dishwasher-safe once fired and the shop may be able to find a Neptune/Poseidon statue that you could paint to resemble your boss. You can also check on sites like for custom sculptures or even 3D-printed cake toppers that you may be able to have custom-made. Again, just check on the material durability with the artist.
Searching the web for answers I ran across this blog, hoping to maybe get an answer here. I have a 75 gallon tank, wanting to upgrade in the near future to a 140 gallon when finances allow. As a Scuba diver I love the dazzle of the high density of fish on the real reefs, but in a tank that is just too many inches of fish per gallon. So I was looking at adding “fake” fish. I noticed there are many fishing lures that are extremely real looking. But I am wondering if they would be safe to use…….
Hoping to hear! Thanks.
Hello Marco, The “inch per gallon rule” isn’t really true or the best guideline for stocking a tank. Every fish has different needs for its temperament, movement and tank region. For more information, you can see our blogs on Aquarium Myths And Misconceptions and Aquarium Stocking Tips – How do I choose my fish? for more information. That said, fish like chromis, cardinals, anthias and dartfish/firefish would be good choices for schooling fish that would give you a dense, populated reef look. I would use caution with fishing lures…lures without metal may be OK but any metal parts like screws would likely start to corrode in saltwater fairly quickly and may get covered in coralline algae and lose their realistic appearance. You can also consider playing with the background on your tank. A mirrored background (or even a mirror AS a background) would give some dimension to your tank, or you can even use some of your favorite reef photography or posters to create your own background full of fish.
I bought air dry clay, I want to make decorations for my Axolotls but I’m unsure of how to seal it to make is stay the shape I molded it. So by chance can you make any recommendations on what to use.
So much info here, read through but did not see. I have a saltwater tank like to add comic book statues to they are resin with paint, did test and paint did not come off, just looking for any assurances before adding them.
Hello Shawn, Adding ornaments to saltwater tanks is generally not a good idea. They tend to lose color over time and also become encrusted with coralline algae. Otherwise, as we discussed more in all three parts of this series and in the final secion of part 3, Aquarium Decoration Ideas – Fish Bowl Designs & DIY, figurines are usually safe for aquariums but try to avoid any with sticker-like decals or any metal parts.
Hello Jessica, I would recommend checking with the brand of the clay you are using but most air dry clays like this one from Crayola is not safe to come into contact with liquids. I wouldn’t recommend using materials that aren’t safe in an aquarium. Even coated with an enamel spray or other type of sealer, there is a chance that moisture may remain or may seep into the clay from any small cracks or opening and affect your aquarium. I would recommend looking at safer choices like we discussed in the three parts of this blog series. You can look through the comments as well for safe recommendations and ideas that others have had.
Hi! I have acrylic enamel paints from Americana and Folk Art and I wanted to know if these are safe for use with fish decor. Too, if it’s safe to use on it’s own or should I coat it with something afterwards?
I have ideas to use these paints with some Warhammer models (mainly plastic fantasy models and glued with Cyanoacrylate) and would love to decorate using them in a small fish tank later.
Hello Ashe, As we discussed in this blog entry, Acrylic paint is not the same as Enamel paint. Enamel is usually safe but Acrylic is water-based and would not be suitable for an aquarium.
How would i go about decorating my 10 gal with PVC pipe? What are its purposes, uses, and what structures can be made? Can any PVC pipe be used… I have some white pvc in my backyard just layin around… Any tips or tricks when it comes to using this?
Hello Triston, You can use the pipes however you’d like in your tank to create caves, tunnels and other decorations. If you need ideas, try looking at these images from a Google search. I wouldn’t recommend using pipe that has just been sitting around in your backyard since that might have left it open to contamination from any chemicals or animals that it might have been exposed to, but new clean PVC pipe is available at almost any hardware store and is very inexpensive. You can cut it into whatever size and shape you’d like but I would recommend smoothing and rounding any edges to make it safe for your fish.
Hi I just built a 3D backround for my freshwater fish tank. I used waterfall foam sealant by smartpond to make it. I shaped it by cutting it into it to make it look more natural and I don’t plan on painting it. My question is do I need to still seal it now that the foam is opened and exposed?
Hi Jess, I would recommend contacting Smartpond directly with questions about their product but if you cut the sealant to expose the foam underneath, I would recommend re-sealing the foam. For a product like that, it is always best to check directly with the manufacturer however since they would have more specific information about their product and its applications. It looks like there is contact information for them on
So happy I stumbled upon this blog! I’ve read through all the comments and have a question. I was wondering if the fairy houses made of resin that are sold at michaels craft store safe for my goldfish aquarium? I have soaked the fairy house and all seems well but just wanted to ask if you’ve had any opinion on these ornaments?
Hi Brenda, Glad you are enjoying the blog! The polyresin itself should be fine in your tank – that is what most aquarium ornaments are made out of – but looking on Michaels website, I see that some of those ornaments say “For Indoor Use Only”. That does concern me a bit about the durability of the paint. I can’t find a website for the Celebrate It brand listed as their manufacturer to get more information on them. I would definitely avoid any of the light-up ornaments but you can experiment with the others. If you have a dishwasher, try running one of the ornaments through a couple cycles to see if it holds up well. If you try one out in your tank, just keep an eye on it over time to make sure the paint isn’t chipping or breaking. Also, since goldfish tanks are notoriously difficult to keep the water quality good, make sure your pH doesn’t go too low and the Ammonia levels don’t get too high which can harm the ornaments as well as the fish.
Thanks Eileen.. I do have one of the light up ornaments but I popped out the battery operated tea light from the bottom. I’ve had it in my tank for a few weeks and all seems well. I test the water quite often with API master kit. I have just bought another type of these ornaments and I’ll run in through the dishwasher as well. These decorations are just so cute and go with my enchanted forest theme so beautifully.
Hi Eileen with Greetings to you from Ontario, Canada! First I want to tell you I’m glad I found your site! I need your help in regards to some poly resin corals I bought they are painted but not in the best way. I wanted to ask you if I could paint them with FolkArt paint which I buy from Walmart etc, it is Acrylic and on the back of the bottle it says, Premium all – purpose acrylic paint for decorative crafts and home décor. Superior coverage. Exceptional brushability, waterbased, non – toxic. Use on all porous surfaces . Shake well, let dry 1 hour between coats. Clean while wet with soap and water. I buy these paints a lot for my canvas paintings and other art work, they are around $2.89 a bottle. My aquarium is salt water. Thanks so much.
Hello Jay! Glad you are enjoying our blog. Acrylic paint is not safe for aquariums. Anything waterbased shouldn’t be used underwater. Enamel paints would be a better choice but may lose color over time in a saltwater tank, depending on the lighting.
Hi again Eileen, it’s me Jay from Ontario. Thank you so much for the info in regards to my question in regards to Acrylic paints. Could you please tell me what brands of enamel paints are best to paint my poly resin salt water decorations if or when the ones I bought fade and can I use both spray or brush paint them? also is it best to coat them? Also I have these really nice large silicon table coral that look very real they were originally done in green and brown but the colors have faded can you recommend any paint for them and if so which type? spray or other? Thanks very much Eileen!! and thanks for all your help!! Jay.
Hi Jay, I can’t recommend brands because I don’t know what brands are available to you in Canada, but any enamel paints should be safe once they are fully cured. We’ve even used enamel nail polish in our store like we discussed in this blog if you read back over the “Enamel” section above. For the most colors, try looking at hobby stores or craft stores in the model-building section….just be careful to read the labels carefully. Avoid anything that says it is “water-based” or “water-soluble” and use caution with anything acrylic like we discussed above. A general rule-of-thumb that we discussed many times in all three parts of this blog series is to see if the paint is food-safe or dishwasher-safe. If it is, it is usually safe for your aquarium. If you find a brand that you like, you can also go onto that brand’s website to check for those two factors since they usually can’t say if their products are aquarium-safe. We haven’t found a way to prevent fading in saltwater systems due to the intense lights and water conditions. If you can find an enamel with UV protection, that may help but we’ve still seen fading. I would use caution when painting silicone since paints won’t adhere as well as they would to a harder surface like polyresin.
Hi Eileen. I want to get my husband s small aquarium for his bday. We’re huge hockey fans (even had a hockey themed wedding). Is there no way to make hockey pucks die-hard? What if I seal them in acrylic/plastic puck display cases?
Thanx tons! Michelle
Hi Michelle, Excellent theme! The pucks themselves are safe but the decals on them are questionable. I’ve tried coating them in clear enamel but it doesn’t bond very well with the rubber (there’s a photo of that puck in a October 26, 2015 comment in Part One of this series). The concern with puck display cases is that any moisture that is trapped in the sealed case (even just the air humidity when it was sealed) will cause condensation and possibly mold. A plain puck should be fine, or if you are looking for some way to get a logo in the tank, anything dishwasher-safe is fine. I used a pint glass in the Hershey Bears tank in Part Two of the blog series. Plain glass is, of course, safe as well if you wanted to put something like this Stanley Cup in your tank. Have fun planning…and Go Flyers!!
Hello, i just bought a very neat large glass bowl at kirklands with the intention of putting my pet fire eel in it while it is a baby, but upon closer inspecion i see that it has a sticker saying”for decorative use only” on it. The glass does not appear to be colored but im not sure if it is safe. Would i be okay to put my eel in it do you think? If not is there something i could coat the enite tjing in to make it safe?
Hello Hope, I wouldn’t recommend putting a Fire Eel in a bowl. They need good filtration and a heater. A betta would be a more appropriate choice for a bowl and should be fine as long as it isn’t coated with any decorative glazes or finishes.
I have a 55 gal fresh water community tank with 6 friddler crabs some of which have lived for about a year and one of the females actually got pregnant. Anyways I’ve built them a underwater dry box and have a hollow log decoration holding it up and coming through the bottom and a boulder decoration holding up the other side. I painted the log with some non-toxic acrylic paint and a little bit of finger nail polish. Then I read online non-toxic acrylic paint is not safe for aquarium. Now I soaked the log in mineral spirits and scrubbed with a toothbrush to try and get the paint off but it did not such thing. So I let that air dry and rinsed it underwater for awhile and dried it again and coated it with a can of clear flex seal it is now drying and curing. So my question is, if the flex seal safe for my aquarium? The TV commercial advertisers the flex seal roll on (stuff you buy in gal. Cans) being used to repair a outside goldfish pond.
Hello Kenneth, According to the FAQs section of the FlexSeal website (, they claim the FlexSeal Liquid is safe for fish and plants. They do not recommend using FlexSeal Aerosol for use on containers for drinking water so I wouldn’t recommend using it in your aquarium. The FlexShot states that it has not been tested for safety with potable (drinkable) liquids and it does state that it contains a mildew fungicide so I would NOT recommend using that in an aquarium. That said, I would personally recommend replacing the log at this point. Acrylic paint isn’t safe underwater and mineral spirits are certainly very dangerous. With the paint and mineral spirits and scrubbing and sealing, I would be concerned about the durability of the log at this point and any residue from the paint or mineral spirits leaching into the tank, especially since it is a piece that your livestock will be coming in direct contact with. Crabs may also pick at or try to dig into anything in their tank and may get through or try to eat the Flex Seal.
Hi, just got a new tank 180L have it all set up but could not find the Buddha ornament I wanted in the pet stores or online so eventually I found the one I liked but it’s a garden ornament made from Magneisia can it be coated to make it tank safe? Or is it tank safe already? I’m thinking not but just want to make sure. I’ve read about epoxy resins and krylon fusion paints but wondered if there was a clear option? Thanks in advance going slightly crazy trying to find an answer so would be greatly appreciated.
Hello Kate, I’m not sure what you are referring to that its made out of. Did you mean magnesium? I haven’t heard of statuary made from Magnesium being used in aquariums but I wouldn’t expect it to be safe…I would expect that to begin to dissolve over time but without knowing what it is made with, it is hard to say. If you know the manufacturer of the piece, I would recommend contacting them for more information on its durability and material. As we’ve discussed over the course of all parts of this series, I don’t recommend using an unsafe material in an aquarium even with some sort of aquarium-safe coating since any little cracks in the coating or moisture underneath it will start affecting its stability. Buddha statues and aquarium ornaments are pretty popular so I would say keep looking for one that you like. If there is a very specific Buddha statue you like, you could also try incorporating it in a custom background for the tank by getting the image printed on a waterproof paper, canvas or laminated poster.
Thanks so much all taken on board and advice greatly appreciated. I have sourced a suitable safe one so I’m a happy camper now 🙂 thanks again
I have a question, I repaired one of the fake hollowed out fake rocks that the fish swim through with non toxic cement & super glue. Is it safe to put back in the fish tank? Wasn’t sure if the chemicals even though it’s dried, would be ok for the fish
Hello Henderson, Any cyanoacrylate glues like SuperGlue should be fine. I’m not sure what non-toxic cement you are referring to since that isn’t specific enough to know exactly what you used. If you have the container, you can check for a website for the brand and look there to see if they have any information on their product. Like we discussed in all 3 parts of this series, some of the key points to look for for aquarium safety is if it is dishwasher safe or foodsafe.
Hello Eileen. Thank you for your advice with the log. I found the perfect log for my “underwater oasis” ive put it together and sealed it all up and tested in my spare tank. The darn thing won’t stay down. Now I’m trying to figure out a way of keeping it at the bottom of the tank without epoxy. I dont have a tank set up to transfer my fish into while i try to mount the log also i would like to be able to move it if need be. I have a 8″/16″ paver block but i put the vinegar on it and it bubbles. Can i paint this block with a couple coats and let it cure? Or do you have any ideas on how i can weigh this down without taken up a bunch of space?
Hi Kenneth, I wouldn’t use the paver if the vinegar made it bubble…it would probably start to dissolve in your tank. Most wood for aquariums can take a couple weeks in water before it becomes saturated enough to stay down. In the meantime, you can get a piece of slate and attach the wood to it with zipties or fishing line to hold it down until it sinks. If you can fit the wood into a separate bucket or container, you can also use your paver just to help hold it underwater until it gets soaked. Some folks also have luck with boiling the wood in a pot of water to help get the air bubles out of it.
I bought a plastic gem paperweight from Micheal’s and am wondering if that’s ok to put in my beta tank? I don’t know if it has a coating or not.
Hello Anonymous, That is difficult to say without seeing the piece. As we discussed here and in the other parts of this series, plain colored plastic is fine but any decals or coatings may not last. I used a big glass gem in a betta bowl in the past that I thought was colored glass but after it was in the bowl for a few weeks, I noticed the coloring and glass on the glass start to soften and scratch off during cleaning. Some tips that we’ve discussed that you can try: 1)contacting the manufacturer to ask them if it has some coating in it or if it is foodsafe, 2)run it through a dishwasher a couple times to see if it holds up and if the hot water changes it at all. If you want to try it in your bowl, make sure to monitor it very closely.
Hi, I bought a plastic log tunnel to go into a new tank In setting up which I’ve found to be far too big and can’t return. I was wondering if It would be safe to use I cut it in half?
Hello Tamzin, I would expect that to be safe if cut since it is an aquarium decoration to begin with. A lot of ornaments like that are hollow so if you do cut it, I would just make sure to block off any openings so fish and waste can’t get stuck inside of it; using superglue or another aquarium-safe glue to attach another piece of plastic over the opening would work.
Hello Eileen,
WOW! Thank you this has been unbelievably helpful. I have been down so many rabbit holes online that present contradictory and/or incomplete advise. This is truly a breath a fresh air. I apologize if this has already been addressed. I went through the blog I didn’t see anything. So, I have a 1.5 gallon unfiltered tank for a Betta on my desk at work. I have tried unsuccessfully to maintain live plants and have decided to go the opposite direction and make it look completely fake. I have been obsessed with making artificial pants from items I can get at a hobby and/or hardware store. I am pretty sure I have everything except a material for the leaves. I was hoping you knew of something that was not plastic (because I am concerned plastic will tear his fins) , that could be cut to size, and preferably comes in multiple color options. If these work out I would like to make more for my other larger tanks, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 🙂
Hi Chuck, Glad you are enjoying the blog and are having fun getting creative with your tank! Plant leaves are tricky since a lot of fabric may break down underwater. Maybe a waterproof nylon? You could use a lighter to melt the edges so it doesn’t fray and either sew or glue them onto your “stems”. Thin plastic like cellophane, plastic bag or trash bag material would be safe as well but might not hold up for as long.
Hi Eileen,
I collect antique/primitive stoneware crocks and jugs and would like to add some to my aquarium. Would this be safe? Being as they were used for food/ beverage storage I think they would be, but I want to be 100% sure before adding them in. Thank you!
Thanks so much!
Hi Catherine, That would depend on what they are made out of. Inert materials like terra cotta are usually safe but decorative glazes often aren’t. Sometimes, the inside of some decorative containers is food-safe but the decoration on the outside isn’t. Not usually a problem when storing food inside of it but if the entire thing is exposed to the aquarium water you might have issues. I’d say use the Dishwasher Rule…if the container is dishwasher safe, it is probably aquarium safe.
Hi Eileen,
This is my second post with, really, the same question. I didnt really explain well in my first (and I dont see it posted anyway, so not sure if it didnt go through or maybe just needs to be reviewed first) In any case, Id like to be a bit more detailed.
I am wondering if a bobblehead such as this would be ok for use in an aquarium:
I realize the bobblehead in question may be a bit controversial, but I wanted to make clear that was not my intention when putting the link/question up.
Im guessing that since it seems to be solid plastic, it would be ok. Although there is probably some metal to make the bobbing work (a spring of some sort?) I could always take the head off, remove any metal, and then use an aquarium-safe silicone to put it back on.
Thanks in advance for any information!
Hi Tom, The material is listed as polyresin, not plastic. Most aquarium ornaments are polyresin and that material itself is safe but I can’t tell from this post if the paint is safe. You could try coating it in a clear spray enamel to help protect the finish but the material itself should be safe in most aquariums, as long as the pH isn’t very low. Low pH conditions are very acidic and would be much harsher on the ornament. You would definitely have to remove all metal pieces before putting it in the aquarium…the metal would absolutely rust and would be harmful to the fish and water quality.
I want to use a tumbler glass and fill it with brown glass stone. my question is what can I fill the glass with to ensure that the glass stones don’t move around that is fish safe. I want it to appear like a tumbler filled with whiskey on the rocks. I also believe that the glass is etched, should I cover that with something.
Hi Robert, The etched glass should be fine without needing to be covered. As long as the “brown glass stone” you are using is aquarium-safe, there should be no need to cover that as well. If it isn’t aquarium safe, I wouldn’t recommend using it but you should be able to find safe stones for that look among aquarium substrate and betta decorations. You could also pour a clear poly-resin inside the tumbler to make a permanent ornament….be sure to look for a foodsafe resin so it would also be safe for your aquarium. You may also be able to find a tinted resin to look more like whiskey and “float” some clear plastic or glass “ice cubes” in it.
What about it plastic models? Like Airfix, Revell, Tamiya…tks
Hi Davi, The plastic itself should be fine but you would want to use caution with what types of decoration and glues are used on it. Cyanoacrylate glues like KrazyGlue would be fine but avoid anything water-soluble. Enamel paints are usually fine once fully cured but sticker decals would probably come off underwater. You could use a clear enamel paint or nail polish to seal over them to help protect them. You may also need to weigh the piece down if it floats and make sure there are no small opening in the piece that your fish could swim into and get stuck inside the model.
I have a small wood ship wheel with (what look like brass) in the middle, i’m guessing the wood has been stained and has a clear coat on it it, is this something I can use or is there anyway I can make it safe for the tank?
Hi Stellan, I wouldn’t recommend using that in your tank. Brass corrodes underwater and the wood stain may leach into the water and harm the tank. You could try clear-coating it but as we discussed in these blogs and in many other comments, if something isn’t safe for your tank to begin with, a clearcoat isn’t going to make it safe.. Any small cracks or weak spots can allow moisture to seep in and begin to degrade the piece. I would recommend looking for a safer material like glass, plastic or polyresin without any decorative coatings.
Could I put in a small figurine if I cover the whole thing in hot glue?
Hello Fantasticfails, That would depend on the figurine. As we discussed in these blogs and in many other comments, if something isn’t safe for your tank to begin with, a coating isn’t going to make it safe. Also, depending on the look you are going for, keep in mind that hot glue is also pretty thick and generally opaque so it would certainly affect the appearance of your figurine.
Hi is the stone marble safe to put in a fish tank. I wanted to put a Greek goddess mini statue in the tank and it says the material is marble.
Hi Jordan, Marble is a form of limestone and would begin to dissolve in a pH below or even close to 7.0. In a higher pH and hardness like that in saltwater or African Cichlids, it may be fine but I wouldn’t recommend keeping it in any tank where the pH may get anywhere close to neutral or acidic (pH below even around 7.8) since even weak acids may affect it.
I was wanting to make my aquarium look like a room using dollhouse miniatures. I know a lot of them are hand painted. Could I seal them with the aquarium silicone to prevent my fish and crustaceans from being affected?
Hi ClicketyCrabity, Aquarium silicone would be too thick to coat anything in. Clear enamel model paints, spray paints or even nail polish can be used to coat a decoration but as we discussed here, if something isn’t safe for your tank to begin with, a clearcoat isn’t going to make it safe. Any moisture underneath the clearcoat or that can get in through a crack will affect the decoration and can damage it or cause it to leach materials into the water. I would avoid using anything delicate or organic like wood. If you can find plastic, ceramic or polyresin pieces, those would probably be safe, depending on the water conditions in your tank.
Hello Eileen
This article is great! Thanks so much for your time!
I have some questions on some things I’d like to put in my 60 gal tank. I’m trying to get a beach peir-dock look. I’d like to put a large upright log in my tank to look like a dock piling. I also wanted to attach a rope of some kind. I live close to Lake Michigan and wanted to use beach sand for the substrate. Are these three things safe for a cold freshwater tank?
Hi Josh, Glad you are enjoying the blog! That sounds like a great tank concept. I wouldn’t recommend using anything scavenged from nature in an aquarium, especially anything from the beach or shallow water. Its impossible to tell if it has come into contact with any contaminates or what organic matter might be on it that can affect an enclosed tank is unpredictable ways. You can find lots of different kinds of substrates and decorations for aquarums that can give you the look you are going for. Wood should be fine in most freshwater tanks but some kinds may lower the pH or add tannins (natural tea-like brown tints) to the water, especially at lower pH conditions. Mopani wood is the most common in aquariums but is usually branchier than a pier would look. Natural driftwoods can often be found in a more log-like shape that you could stand upright as a “pier”, or you could stand up a log ornament like this one. Some rope made from natural materials may do the same or start to decompose, although nylon rope would be fine and wouldn’t affect the water (or be affected) in any way. I wouldn’t use beach sand for the reasons I’ve mentioned above but you can find fine freshwater substrates that would be safe. Be sure to get an intert substrate since marine sands would raise you pH and buffer your water too high for most freshwater fish to tolerate. Depending on the color you are going for and if you’d like to have live plants or not, something like this Aqua Sand, Shallow Creek Pebbles or Fluval Plant and Shrimp Stratum would work. Have fun designing!
Hi this was amazing to read. Great post! I have a buddha outdoor garden statue. I believe it is made of either sandstone or concrete. I want to add it to my reef nano tank. I am not worried about the ph swing after curing it. In your opinion do you see any other possible problems I may encounter with this experience? Thanks!
Hi Adam, Glad you are enjoying the blog! I wouldn’t recommend adding anything from your garden to your tank, especially a nano tank. It is impossible to tell if it might have come into contact with chemicals or pesticides in the garden and materials like sandstone and concrete are especially porous and can absorb those chemicals and other toxins. A small tank would be especially vulnerable to anything leeching into the water since there just isn’t a lot of volume to dilute it. Buddha aquarium ornaments are actually pretty common and would be much safer.
Hi I was wondering I am wanting to put a lifesize plastic skeleton in my fish tank I have made sure the plastic is tank safe but am wondering what would be the best way to weigh it down and what I could use to stick the joints together as will obviously have to take the metal screws and metal wire out was wondering if you had any ideas
Also what is the best expandable foam to use in a tank that is fish safe
Hi Daniel, If the skeleton is hollow, you can fill it with sand, gravel or other small inert rocks to help weigh it down. You could also attach the base to an inert rock like slate like most driftwood decorations use to weigh them down. For the connections, you could use fishing line or zipties, depending on the size you need. For expanding foam, I would recommend looking for pond landscaping foam like this FallsFoam or Foam-iT from Smooth-On. Depending on your tank conditions, you may also want to coat your final piece in epoxy to make it more durable.
I was playing with some qiao qiao UV Curing resin making jewelry and was wondering if it would be safe to use in my aquarium to cast some little planters to put some sword plants in? I’ve used the 2 part crafting resin to make some before and they are great, no problems at all. They just take so long to set up. Is there that much difference in the 2 types of resin?
Hi Angela, I haven’t heard much about UV Resins being used in aquariums or their durability underwater. I would recommend contacting the manufacturer of the resin for more info on that. You can also try asking if it is food-safe, which will usually mean it is aquarium-safe as well. Some information I found suggests that the resin will continue to cure and become brittle over time if it is continuously exposed to UV light and most newer aquarium lights do reach into the UV spectrum so I would check your bulbs for that as well.
Can I use plastic dish scrubbers to float in my aquarium?
Hi Mary, I’m not sure what kind of “dish scrubbers” you are referring to but plastic is generally a safe material. I would just be sure it doesn’t have any metal parts and that it hasn’t actually been used for dishes since soap and other residue can harm the tank.
Hi there! It’s difficult to find anything interesting on this subject (I mean something that is not overly simplistic), because everything related to 3D seems very difficult. You however sound like you know what you’re talking about 🙂 Thank you for spending your time writing some good content for us!
I’ve read that driftwood can decompose over time and affect the quality of water. I have this beautiful piece of driftwood I bought from Petco. It was in the reptile section but I was told it’s safe for fish tanks. The tag on it says “Mac’s Driftwood Collection, Grape Driftwood.” It will take about 1/2 the volume of my 5 gal tank, but I only have one Betta fish and this piece of driftwood has several holes large enough for him to swim in and out off. My question is, what can I coat it with to prevent it from decomposing over time? I’m considering epoxy because I’ve seen some youtube videos where they inlay pieces of driftwood with a blue colored epoxy and I thought I would try that on the rougher side of the driftwood to make it smooth as well.
What should I look for in the epoxy I choose, or is there a safer way? Thanks
Hi Lisa, I wouldn’t coat it in anything. Coating an unsafe material doesn’t make it safe; any moisture trapped within the piece or that can get through any small crack or pores will still cause it to start decomposing and can cause even more issues. Driftwood sold for aquariums will decompose and release tannins over time but it usually isn’t enough to affect the water quality if you are doing regular water changes and maintenance. It can actually help add some nutrients to the water and keep pH and water hardness within a range that some fish (like bettas) prefer.
We don’t carry that brand in particular but from what I am finding online about it, it appears to be dehydrated grapevine rather than true driftwood and would probably decompose if kept submerged. Some of the reviews I’m seeing also state that some pieces have screws in them; that metal would be just as bad for your tank as it starts to rust. I would recommend passing on that piece and getting some true driftwood for the tank. Most aquarium-safe driftwood is made from African Mopani wood; we use, sell and recommend it for bettas and other freshwater fish all the time here.
I will return it,, thanks for the input, much appreciated!
Hello! I know this thread is a little old but I just now found it and was wondering if you had any suggestions on types of modeling materials and paints would be safe for a freshwater betta tank? I’m a huge nerd and since my fish is a Dragonscale betta I wanted to create an Elder Scrolls Skyrim inspired tank. I wanted to create a dragon, maybe some buildings and sword and axe handles sticking out of the rocks and things. I was thinking of building them out of clay and then painting them then giving a clear coat, but I wanted to see if you had any recommendations for materials?
Hi Rain, I would recommend reading through all three parts of this series…there have been lots of similar projects. Basically, anything Food Safe or Dishwasher Safe is usually safe for your aquarium. Any unsafe materials would not be made safe by using a clearcoat since any moisture trapped under the clearcoat or that seeps in through the smallest cracks will cause issues. As we mentioned in this part of the series, plastic, glass, rubber, polyresin and some pottery is usually safe. Most enamel paints used in model-making is safe but colors may fade over time. Depending on the look you are going for, even Lego has a Skyrim series that would be aquarium-safe.
Others have asked about Sculpey clays; from an earlier reply: “I checked on Sculpey’s website and their FAQs page says “While our clays are non-toxic, we have not done any testing on any of the products to be used in aquariums.” Polymer clays are almost like plastic and it looks like a lot of people have used them successfully in snowglobes but it doesn’t look like many have tried using them in aquariums. I would think they’d probably be safe as long as they are fully cured and fired but you’d want to monitor their condition in the tank. The material itself is non-toxic but the durability may be questionable. The Sculpey FAQs page also has a list of their clays by durability; I would definitely go with the most durable clays over the least durable ones to be safe.”
Dragon aquarium ornaments are also VERY popular so if you do some web searches, you may be able to find something you like ready-made.
You’re very knowledgeable and very, very helpful, you’ve helped me ALOT. I also have to say that I am amazed and impressed at your patience with the same questions being asked over and over and over. That is rare on sites like this, and it takes a special kind of person. Bless you……..
I cleaned my daughter’s fish aquarium. I cleaned the rocks with hot water then laid them on wax paper to dry. They were not drying fast enough so I used a blow dryer on them for about 5 minutes low and hot temp. Now I’m afraid I ruined them because the wax may have gotten on the rocks. I don’t see any wax but… could the wax be harmful to her new betta fish?
Hi Tammy, Any wax from the wax paper shouldn’t be harmful to the fish. For next time, there usually isn’t a reason why substrate should ever need to be removed from a tank and dried before being replaced. This can actually be far more harmful to the tank since it removes any beneficial bacteria that helps keep the water quality stable. Assuming the tank has a filter, using something like a this gravel siphon to do a 10-20% water changes is best. If the tank is unfiltered or is very small and a larger change is absolutely necessary, just stir the substrate well to get any debris in the water before changing it.
Is there a way to make unsafe pieces for aquariums safe? Like submerging them in a special resin or something? I am just curious to know. I have an Iron statue that I want to use if I can somehow make it safe for the fish, but if I can’t then I wont use it.
Hi George, Coating an unsafe material doesn’t make it safe; any moisture trapped within the piece or that can get through any small crack or pores will still cause it to start rusting and can cause even more issues.
I found this blog while searching for for using styrofoam to make hardscapes, there’s such a wonderful wealth of information in the comments! I do have a question regarding building hardscapes from styrofoam and expanding foam, the brand I’ve been able to find -Touch ‘n Foam- says it can be used in ponds for filling cracks behind waterfall features and has UV inhibitors. Can that kind of landscaping foam be used to fasten rocks to styrofoam or plastic egg crate or is some other kind of adhesive used first and the foam is just to fill in cracks so livestock can’t get themselves wedged in and stuck?
I was never entirely clear about how they were used to build hardscapes. Since videos on YT tend to be extremely generic and say only “use aquarium safe X” but never have an brand suggestions or ingredient specifications. I have a terror of placing large rocks in my tanks, for fear of some wrong move smashing the bottom, but I know my fish would appreciate the change of texture and variety I could add by using new hardscapes. I’d feel a lot safer maneuvering a few hundred pounds of rock, if I had some kind of foam cushion there too.
I currently keep a 75gal freshwater tank with a pair of High-Fin Plecostomus, several Pineapple Swords and a mini-school of Giant Danio So ideally the hard rocks and wood inserts are for the pleco to rasp on, but would swords and danio appreciate a hardscape or would ideally like more greenery? (Could you recommend a blog post about plants like anubias -in that they don’t need substrate- and their upkeep -light/ph/temp/fert schedule/the whole 9 yards? I’ve had one in a lit-tank for 5 years and it’s hardly grown more than a few new leaves in all that time, It seems like every month I’m having to carefully scrape hard, hair-like algae off of it.)
Hi M, I’ll try to hit all of your questions here but feel free to give our staff a call at 717-299-5691 if you would like to speak with someone in our Fish Room or Aquarium Supplies staff in more detail. Yes, a pond foam like the FallsFoam we sell can be used to build shapes in an aquarium. These foams do expand so you may need to shape it if you are using it to fill in spaces or cracks. Epoxy Putty like is Holdfast Epoxy Stick are usually used to attach rocks to each other or create structures. It is important to make sure all rock structures are stable but foams like what you are asking about aren’t used as cushions. Once cured, they become very hard. If you are concerned about stability, you can put plastic egg crate on the bottom of the tank beneath the rocks (put it on the bottom of the tank, then put your rocks on top, then add the substrate around the rocks). This helps stabilize the rocks and spread out any pressure-points on the glass.
Swordtails and danios are not rock-dwelling fish and should be in a more planted tank. We have a number of articles in our Article Archive on Live Aquarium Plant Tips, Plant Care Requirements, Planted Aquarium Supplies & Care, and more if you are looking for basic information; some of these articles are on our blog as well. Some algae in aquariums is normal but if you are seeing lots of algae, make sure your water parameters – especially temperature, Nitrate and Phosphate for algae – are correct and that your lighting is good (no more than 8-10 hours a day at most, an appropriate LED spectrum or fluorescent bulbs that are no more than about 8 months old).
Hi… Did popsicle stick decorations safe for fish?. Thanks in advance..
Hi Siva, Most popsicle sticks are made of birch and would soften and break down underwater for long periods of time. I would especially not used popsicle sticks that were ever used in popsicles since they will have traces of the popsicle soaked into the wood.
Good evening Eileen,
This article was a fountain of wealth, I have always been an animal lover but since buying a small tank for my daughter have become obessesed with learning as much about the craft as possible. I would also like to thank you for keeping the dedication of replies up this post is over 5 years old and still growing strong.
Now my question, I am looking to set up a 15g aquacape with some wood from the forest. I Had tried to do as much research as possible in preparation and use I’ve found some lovely dry specimens alder,oak I have have been submerged for several months. I love the branch parts which are very fine and brittle once prepares can they be epoxy to make them inert and less likely to snap. The same specimens cost a ridiculous amount of money which I can simply not afford.
Hi Khadeem, Glad this blog was able to help you! For your wood pieces, I would really never recommend coating a natural material like wood – especially if you’ve had it submerged – since any moisture in it can continue to cause the piece to decompose under the epoxy layer. Using wood collected from the outdoors is always risky as we’ve discussed in each part of this series since it can be difficult to control where it came from, what it was exposed to, and what might be living in or on it. That said, from what I’ve been able to find, the safety of your pieces would depend on what type of “Alder” and “Oak” you have. Black Alder is usually safe and can hold up well underwater; it is often used as supports and piling in bridges and piers. “Oak” is trickier. The tree known as “Live Oak” is different from other Oak Trees. Live Oak is a lot harder and may be fine underwater for much longer than other softer Oak trees. If you are happy with the way the pieces look now, I would recommend leaving them as they are and monitoring their structure and the water quality in the tank.
Hi Eileen. Do you know any Cheaper/safer Alternatives for PVD coating the glass and Chrome electroplating?
Hello Ornaments By Elves, I’m sorry, we wouldn’t have any information on that since it isn’t something used in aquariums.
Hi I wanted to use clear cast acrylic for my fish tank decoration with using a UV printing machine to screen print with cured coloured ink, onto the cast acrylic clear sheets with a design. would this be ok for fish a fish tank?
Hi Tracey, I don’t have any information on that type of printing. I would recommend checking with the manufacturer to see if there ink is waterproof. Like we discussed in this series, since most materials like inks aren’t specifically aquarium tested, asking if it is dishwasher-safe or food-safe can help determine if it is aquarium-safe, and if you are still unsure, try soaking it in water conditions replicating the tank (pH, temperature, etc) for awhile to see if it holds up before adding it to the tank.
Are popsicle sticks safe for aquariums?
Hi The bob, I wouldn’t recommend it. The wood will soften and begin to deteriorate over time. If they are sticks from actual popsicles, any sugars or other material that already soaked into the stick will be released into the water as well.
Can i use plaster of paris in my aquarium? Is it safe to use? Just to hold the artificial plant at the base
Hello Aabid, Plaster of Paris would not be safe to use underwater. If you are just trying to fix an artificial plant ornament, some safer options would be an epoxy stick like this one ( or a cyanoacrylate superglue like these (
I want to lay material/foam over my u dergravel filter before I lay the gravel is polyester fake snow mat OK to use?
Hi Anya, That would likely decreae the effectiveness of the undergravel filter, an already not-very-effective type of filter. I wouldn’t recommend it.
I had the thought of using glass Dr. Pepper bottles I had lying around as decor in my aquarium. But the logo is painted (?) on, not raised up glass. Is the material on the bottle dissolvable, harmful, or could I seal it in? Thanks for your time!
Hi Lolly, I’m not finding any information on what is used to print those logos onto the bottles so it is difficult to say if it would be safe or durable. As we mentioned here, most clear-coats don’t bond with glass so finding something to seal it with would be difficult. You can try soaking it in water with the same parameters of your tank for a few weeks or run it through the dishwasher a few times to see if it holds up well. If you decide to use it at all, make sure you check on the printing regularly to make sure it isn’t softening or coming off of the bottle. If the bottle itself is more important than the logo for the look you want, you could try removing the logo with something like acetone; just make sure it is cleaned very well afterwards.
Hi, I just recently put together a 5 gallon tank in my bathroom for a spawn of about 30 Cichlid fry. I wanted to decorate the tank in a bathroom theme with a claw foot as the center of the decoration. I’ve not found anything made specifically for a tank but have found any. I have found molded tinted (not painted) plastic doll house furniture but I think it’s too small. On the other side of found small planters for like succulents so they’re three or 4 inches long and 2 inches in diameter and they’re glazed ceramic would that work? Any assistance any advice is greatly appreciated thank you
Whole lotta cichlid babies
Hi Michael, Fun theme! I wouldn’t use the glazed ceramic. In my experience, artistic glazes don’t hold up well when submerged and tend to start flaking off pretty fast. I would try looking for plastic toy furniture like Legos, or – oddly enough – try searching for soap dishes. I did a quick search myself and found some plastic soap dishes that might be a better size, as well as glass dishes like this one on Amazon. The materials used in 3D printing also appear to be safe although there isn’t much information available yet…you may be able to find custom 3d printed models as well. Happy hunting!
Excellent article!
For a freshwater aquarium. What are your thoughts about using coated electrical wire to hook over the tank edge and suspend plants into the water. The coated wire would be in the water, but the cut ends (exposed wire) wouldn’t be. If this is a no, what would be a good alternative? Zip ties don’t have enough rigidity and I don’t have room for suspended baskets.
Hi TI, Glad you are enjoying the article. That electrical wire should be fine as long as the exposed metal is not in the water. Since it would be suspended on the outside, you could also seal that open edge with epoxy, silicone, hot glue or another material. I have also seen some hobbyists online create hangers using stiff wire like that from a coat hanger covered in airline tubing, or using frag racks like those sold for saltwater tanks.
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post with us.
hii, so i bought 2 angel fish, and i wanted to make something like a tunnel for them, and i want to make it with clay…the clay which pots are made of, earth clay, i think that’s what it’s called? and since its a natural element its ok right?
and i want to paint it with acrylic paint, is it ok? i thought about it for a while and wanted to seal it with clear nail polish, is it safe?
Hi Amani, Some clay is safe once it has been fired but unfired clay is not. It is difficult to say if they clay you are referring to would be safe without knowing more about the type since some minerals can affect water parameters like pH and hardness. As we discussed in this series, most materials that are foodsafe and dishwasher safe are usually aquarium safe but you can try soaking it in water with the same parameters as your tank and monitor any changes to the parameters over the course of at least several weeks. Acrylic paints, as we mention here, are water-soluble and may not hold up underwater. The enamel paints discussed here are usually safe as long as they properly bond to the clay used. I don’t recommend coating an unsafe material and using it in your tank since any small pores, cracks or openings in the whatever you used as a sealer (like clear nailpolish) can allow moisture to reach the unsafe material and allow it to affect your tank. I would recommend reading through all three parts of this blog series for more ideas and recommendations.
First I never thought when first reading this that you would still be responding on this article. Impressive! Second, I’m on my second build using spray foam and dry lock on egg crate used for drop ceilings. I’ve let them cure for about a month, and when I do a water test with a pump they build up bubbles and the water is cloudy. Do I need to cycle out until it runs clear for a period? Perhaps I did something wrong? Thanks for your time and attention.
Also, Let’s Go Pens!!
Hi Nathan, Always happy to help (except Pens fans 😉 ). What do you mean by “they build up bubbles”? If you’d like, you can send photos or video to so we can see what you are referring to. It could just be air pockets trapped in the foam that need to be released. Have you tested the water chemistry after you add these? Do you have anything living in the tank or have you added any bacteria supplements? What color is the cloudiness? It could just be a bacteria bloom but it is hard to tell from what I know about the tank so far. If you have questions about the product itself that you used, you may want to contact the manufacturer directly.
I’m glad I stumbled across this 3 part blog! I’m a dollhouse miniaturist with an interest in creating decor for a small custom fish tank. Putting together some of the things I’ve been reading in the comments: Would it be possible sculpt (for example) a small couch from something like styrofoam or polyurethane foam, coat it with something (Drylock?), paint it (enamel paints?) and then finish with some clear sealant in order for it to be aquarium safe? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Hi Susan, Glad you enjoyed the blog! As we discussed, using any unsafe materials is still unsafe, regardless of what it is coated with. In addition to its tendency to float, styrofoam is porous and wouldn’t be a good material. Some fired clays, 3d pritner material, resin, and some spray foams like those used in pond construction are typically safe.
Great, thanks!
Hi can I use a plastic clear bowl to add some sand lots in my aquarium?
Hi Mary, A clean plastic bowl should be fine in an aquarium.