Home | Aquarium Equipment | Product Review – Bubble Magus Curve 7 Protein Skimmer

Product Review – Bubble Magus Curve 7 Protein Skimmer

Bubble Magus 7Marilyn Monroe; Tyra Banks; Kate Upton; and now, Bubble Magus. What do they all have in common? CURVES! I’m talking, of course, about the seductive Curve series of skimmers from Bubble Magus. What makes these vixens of skim different, is a dramatically curvy body that builds on the already popular cone skimmer design. This allows the skimmer to perform even better, as the microbubbles take a turbulent-free ride up its serpentine sides. The SP2000 pump is conveniently placed inside of the body, keeping the Curve 7 protein skimmerfrom taking up too much real estate in your sump. The bottom of the skimmer also features a mysterious red plug, which I later found out was to be used if you decided to upgrade or replace the current pump with a different brand, like Sicce. The plug pulls out and allows for differently configured pumps to fit nicely into the body of the Curve. Then you just plug the hole left by the former pump, making the Curve very, very versatile.

I am on my way to having multiple salt water tanks set up in my house. I currently have a 50 gallon reef, and I’m working on building another system that will total 240 gallons itself. I decided to buy the Curve 7 because of the decent reviews I read online, and also from the prodding and peer pressure of co-workers who just like to spend my money. Originally,  I had purchased the Bubble Magus Curve 7 for use on my 240 gallon, but when the impeller shaft broke on the skimmer I have in the sump of my 50 gallon, I  decided to use the Curve 7 in its place until the 240 was up and running.

When I first undressed un-boxed the Curve 7, I realized the sterile white box it came in belied the voluptuous lines of this skimmer. Its slender hour glass figure fit perfectly into my sump. When I dropped it in, the Curve 7 started skimming immediately with no issues. I tuned it in using the red knob on the skimmer’s stand pipe, adjusting for a slightly dryer skim. The skimmer has run flawlessly since, pulling out a lot of really dark, chunky skimmate over these past two months, with little to no adjustments needed.  No locks or twisting lock mechanisms on the collection cup (that you’d normally have to fiddle with every time you need to clean), makes the skimmer really easy to maintain in tight areas.

In my opinion, this series of buxom skimmers from Bubble Magus is one of the best you can get in this price range. The Curve 7, which is meant for aquariums up to about 240 gallons, also has a small sister skimmer in the Curve 5, that handles aquariums up to about 140 gallons. With their minimal footprints, they should be easy to drop into most sumps. I recommend Curve Skimmers to anyone who has a saltwater aquarium because who doesn’t like skimmers that are cheap and easy!

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