This week at the Aqua Toto Gifu aquarium in Japan, one of the coolest holiday Ideas I have ever seen was introduced to the public. The aquarium has on display, an electric eel in an aquarium that is actually powering lights on a near by christmas tree. In nature the eels have the ability to produce an electric current for the purpose of stunning near bye prey. The aquarium had the ingenious idea to use the eels natural electrical power for holiday cheer, and people are flocking to the aquarium to see this amazing display. The picture to the right was posted in the Mainichi Daily News in Japan.
The aquarium has a copper wire installed into it, so that when the eel rubs up against the wire and produces an electrical current, the electricity travels from the aquarium to the light bulbs. Pretty neat trick
Maybe someday we will be driving around electric eel powered hybrid cars. HMMMM.
Just wanted to share that holiday story with you, until next blog
Wow! That’s absolutely amazing! Thank you for the excellent post!
Cool! Interesting! I hope someday we could have electric power coming from the eel. I myself enjoy taking care of fish.