One of the newer additions to our canister filter line, is the UniMax Plus canister filter from AquaEl. AquaEl is still a relatively new name to the US marker, with a long history of quality products sold in Europe.
The UniMax Plus is one of the best canister filters to hit the US market in recent years, with several features that make it both unique, and high performance.
The feature that really stands out with the UniMax plus, is its internal UV sterilizer, providing unrivaled water quality, with a single piece of equipment. Mechanical, Biological, Chemical, and Sterilization all in one.

Another cool feature of the UniMax, are the multiple intakes and outlets on the two larger models. This gives you much improved water flow in larger tanks, versus models with only a single inlet and outlet.
The impeller design is also unique in the unimax, the impeller housing sits below the water level inside the canister, unlike most other units that have the impeller housing above the water level of the canister. This allows for easy priming of the filter, and extra quiet opperation. The Unimax models with multiple intakes and outlets, also use a multiple impeller design, which gives you a built in back up should one impeller be damaged, or stop functioning.
If you are considering a canister filter, give the UniMax a good look, I think that you will be impressed with the features it has when you compare it to some of the other filters on the market.
Until next time,
I have the UniMax 500 filter and is looking for the impeller part. Would appreciate if you can tell me where can I obtain this part?
Unfortunately Aqua El has chosen to no longer distribute their products in the U.S. We have not carried the UniMax filters for some time. You may be in luck, we have a few remaining Aqua El parts left in our retail store. If you are looking for just the impeller (without the shaft) we have a few left in stock, the item number is 236458. These parts are in our retail store if you live close enough to stop in. If you need to have them shipped mail order, you will need to call in and ask for a call center supervisor to order them. Just give them the part number 236458, and they can help you. These parts are no longer available, so there are none in our warehouse for mailorder, this is why they are not online.
the filter works awesome beyond my expectations. it is a great way of keeping the fish in the tanks healthy and fine.
I am trying to locate an Engine Seat Circulator for my AQUA EL BOWL 45 – it appears that onone in the UK supplies spares for these tanks????
Hello, As I understand it this manufacturer does not distribute in the US, but I did find a site thaat may benefit you Good Luck and thanks for reading!
I’d like to order this product the 700 series can I still get it it’s hard to find
Hi Reginald, This filter has been discontinued in the time since this blog was posted in 2007 but you can view the Canister Filters currently available on our website.