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Canary Shows – Rating the Songs of American Singer Canaries

CanaryBird clubs and associations regularly sponsor shows in which parrots, finches and others can compete for prizes based on appearance, color and even “breed standards”. Less common, but very popular among canary enthusiasts, are singing competitions. But just how does one judge something as “natural” as a bird’s song? Today we’ll look at the surprising array of criteria used to rate the songs of the ever-popular American Singer Canary. If you are looking to add a new aspect to your hobby, singing competitions might be the way to go (your own efforts will not be appreciated, so please leave the singing to your Canary!).

American Singer History

The breed known as the American Singer Canary was developed in the 1930’s. Canary enthusiasts seeking a good songster with a calm personality searched for breeds that might be crossed to produce a bird with both qualities. The German Roller was chosen for its singing abilities while the Border Canary was selected due to its good nature and suitability as a pet. Cross-breeding Rollers with Borders produced the American Singer Canary, which has become one of the most popular of all breeds. Read More »

Teaching a Parakeet to Perform Tricks – Target and Clicker Training

The Parakeet, Budgerigar or “Budgie”, Melopsittacus undulatus, arrived on the European pet scene in 1840 and has since become one of the world’s most popular pets. However, perhaps because they are small and inexpensive, Budgies are sometimes not viewed as “real parrots” by their owners, and consequently are not given the chance to show off their many talents. In addition to being wonderful mimics, Budgies can learn a great variety of tricks…and seem to take pleasure in doing so!


Getting your pet to accept your presence, and then to be comfortable with your hand in its vicinity, is an essential first step in training. This is generally quite simple, as budgies are sociable by nature and rather miserable without human or avian company.  Please see this article for more on basic care and creating trust. Read More »

Small Cockatoos with Big Personalities – Introducing the Corellas

Long-billed CorellaCockatoos are often considered to be the most intelligent, playful and trainable of all parrots.  But most new parrot-keepers believe that all cockatoos are large, noisy and very expensive, and tend to pass them by.  While this applies to many of the world’s 40+ species, one group – the Corellas – averages only 12-15 inches in length; among the cockatoos, only the Cockatiel is smaller.  Corellas possess all the wonderful traits of their larger relatives, and few of the drawbacks.  In fact, the Goffin’s Cockatoo or Tanimbar Corella may just be the best cockatoo pet for most people.

Corella Overview

Despite their small size, Corellas demand a great deal of attention and space, and cannot be relegated to life in a cage.  Successful owners usually find that they become more like dogs than birds in their interactions with people.  Well-habituated cockatoos of all kinds love physical play and touching, often to an amazing degree.  They also tend to be unsurpassed when it comes to learning tricks.  Read More »

Myth-Busters – Do Hand-Reared or Parent-Reared Parrots Make Better Pets?

Baby Red-Lored parrotThis is the first in a new series of what I’ll call “Myth-Buster Articles”, which will focus on beliefs or practices that have aroused debate among bird keepers.  After reviewing the available research and my own and other’s experiences, I will attempt to sort fact from fiction.  Today I’ll compare the “pet value” of hand-reared, parent-reared and “co-parented” parrots.

General Considerations

“Hand-reared” refers to chicks that are pulled from the nest soon after hatching and fed by hand until fledged.  Such birds have long been considered to be the gold standard in parrot pet.  However, behavioral problems that are sometimes exhibited by hand-reared individuals have led some to question the value of this technique. Read More »

Understanding Parrots – “Bad” Pet Behavior may be Perfectly-Normal

MacawsParrots are complicated, social animals, and as such can be very confusing to owners.  What is perceived as “bad” or “destructive” behavior has roots in millions of years of evolution.  Understanding your parrot’s natural history – how it lives in the wild – is key to your pet’s welfare, and a rewarding relationship with it.

Understanding Your Bird’s “Wild Side”

Good parrot care begins with a thorough understanding of parrot natural history.  Parrot ancestors arose 100 million years ago…your own intentions, however well-meaning, will never overpower the instincts that have evolved since then.  This is a very important point to keep in mind – parrots are wild creatures, driven by instinct, and, even after many generations in captivity, are in no sense domesticated (i.e. as are dogs or sheep).  They do have remarkable learning abilities that often enable them to modify their instinctual responses.  However, when considering parrot care and training, it is paramount that their true natures be considered. Read More »

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