Over the last couple years, I’ve heard much debate over the use of LED lighting for reef aquariums. Has the technology really advanced to the point where LED is a viable option for lighting a reef aquarium, or is it just a fad that has no real substance? Most of the opinions on the subject are heavily influenced dependent on which side you are looking at the technology from. I have been told many times that LED cannot sustain photosynthetic corals. Some believe the light production is not of adequate quality to keep a reef tank long term. Not surprisingly, this has mainly come from manufacturers of traditional lighting sources (T5, PC, Metal Halide), and some have been highly critical of the LED technology. On the other hand, the manufacturers
that have invested in LED technology are adamant about the quality and validity of LED lighting. Those on each side of the fence are understandably trying to defend their own interests in the debate between traditional vs. LED lights for use on reef aquaria. Read More »
Tag Archives: LED aquarium technology
Feed SubscriptionNew Lighting Technology and Your Aquarium – Breaking Old Rules
Rules, rules, rules, why do we have to follow rules? Well, for the most part, because they are for your own good. Kind of like going to the dentist. However, some rules should not last forever. Sometimes they‘re no longer relevant, sometimes a better idea comes along, and sometimes they turn out to be bad ideas to begin with. This is true in just about any facet of life, and aquarium keeping is no different. I could rant about several rules that come to mind, but my rule of the moment is the old “Watts per gallon” rule when it comes to choosing lights for your aquarium, particularly live plant and reef aquariums, which require higher intensity lighting. Read More »
New LED Lighting Technology Coming to TFP – Part 3
In the first two segments of my LED lighting blogs, I discussed the Ecoxotic and Marineland lines of new LED products. This third entry will cover an interesting new line of products from Ice Cap Inc. Ice Cap has long been associated with quality, high standard, aquarium lighting products. The Ice Cap 430 and 660 electronic ballasts set the bar for performance in fluorescent lighting ballasts. Read More »
New LED Lighting Technology Coming to TFP – Part 2
Hi, Dave back again. In part 1 of our LED lighting series, we introduced the new Stunner and Panorama systems from Ecoxotic. In part 2, I want to tell you about another LED lighting system that we are now offering here at TFP. Read More »