Welcome to the Marine Biologist blog from That Fish Place. Join us as we blog about the amazing world of fish and aquarium keeping, Post your comments, request a topic, add to the discussion.
Since our start in 1973, That Fish Place has seen the aquarium hobby grow in popularity and evolve into an amazing blend of science, nature and technology. Our Marine Biologists blog may cover any topic that relates to the hobby, and will hopefully help whoever reads this blog to become a more successful aquarium keeper, whatever you fancy.
Tagged with: aquarium coral filter fish marine biology saltwater TFP
I think this is a great idea. I wish you a lot of luck with it. Have fun and keep on fishkeeping Dave!
hey that is a great idea!i am currently working on a degree in marine biology, and enjoy seeing people so enthused about fish.keep up the good work!
Nice template. Where can i download it?
Thanks for the comment. We use the Feedoo Lite 1.0 template within WordPress. You should be able to find it there.
Your web page does not correctly work in safari browser
can i interview a marine biologist for a school project
Sure, either post your questions here, or email them to marinebio@thatpetplace.com; or call the store at 717-299-5691 and ask to speak to a marine biologist.